...where's your mom and dad?

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Number Eleventy-Six (btw if you get that reference you're awesome!)

Hiiii... Yeah I haven't been on here in a while... whoops?

Anyways, enough about me, let's get back to the "story"

Okay, so another thing that can be annoying in a fan fiction is the whole deal about parents.

In some, they're mentioned once or twice, but after that either just disappear or are ALWAYS, ALWAYS on business trips...

*le facepalm*

In others... they just don't even exist.



I mean, in some it's like Nyan's (remember her? no? k then xD) parents are never mentioned in the whole fanfic, until she's upset or gets her heart broken.

Then POOF.

Her mom appears like "What's wrong Nyan?" and comforts her.

Then POOF again.

She's gone until needed again.

Or, if they are included in the story, at least one of them is either abusive or an alcoholic.


(BTW I do some of these things mentioned in previous chapters so... I'm not trying to be mean or anything, because I'd be a hypocrite in that case XD)

Hope you enjoyed this!


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