crashes, comas & bad hospital staff

70 3 5

part dos (I take spanish but it's mandatory and boring lol xD)

Okay, so I'm guilty of using this, but:

"Her lips crashed into mine."

I'm so sorry for you dude...

Must hurt your teeth.

And how there's ALWAYS a car crash.

Not in every fanfic, but most.

And then when they get to the hospital (unless they die o_o) they most likely fall into a coma... always

Then there's the fact that while in REAL life you have to be a close relative to see the injured person if they're badly injured, but like all of their friends just run in and don't get in trouble.

Like whoa, bad hospital staff.

gotta be firedddd

OR when it's like:

"Okay so you have thirty stitches, a broken arm, bruised ribs, and a broken nose but you can go home today m'kay."


lol bye!


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