YouTuber fanfics...

60 3 5
  • Dedicated to Amelia my best friend

part EIGHT!

I'm all for fanfics about your OTP or couples in movies or TV shows you watch and love.

(I do that too)

But personally, I think it's weird when it's real people- in some cases.

Now shipping is a WHOLE nother story (I mean there are people in real life that I'm glad they're together- like my parents or Shane Dawson and lisbug!).

But I mean c'mon- we all know those people who write fanfics about real-life couples.

Now I think that's perfectly fine!

But then there are the horny weirdos (not all of these people are weirdos- I'm not trying to be stereotypical) who write fanfics LITERALLY just about two people (real-life) doing it.

I mean I'm not talking fictional characters.

These people are just writing this stuff... imagining ACTUAL people doing it as they write it.

*shudder* I personally think it's sick and creepy.

Here's a few examples:

Example #1

There was a Ian and Anthony from Smosh fanfic where they were LITERALLY doing each other with a  curling iron! (search on YouTube their "Fanfiction Dramatic Reading 4"... or DON'T if you'd prefer to not be scarred.)

Example #2

Most of the Shane Dawson and Joey Graceffa fanfics are them making out and doing it- or even worse- Shane ripping Lisa's(lisbug) heart out (metaphorically of course) and dumping her before going to Joey's place and proceeding to do him.

*eye widen + facepalm*

These fanfictions make me ashamed to be a fan of any YouTuber!

I can even understand writing little cute oneshots or stories about real-life people couples (canon or non-canon) you love.

I write those sometimes!

But THIS... this is sick.

Okay, sorry- just was watching Smosh "dramatically read their fanfics" and Shane and Joey searching their names on tumblr.

See ya later!


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