Chapter 15

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My eyes fluttered open to see the sunlight pour in through the open window in the front of Connor's room.

We must've fallen asleep last night, because now it's morning.

I turned my head to get a better view of my boyf...wait was he even my boyfriend anymore? We never really discussed it, and I didn't really know what he thought.

I rolled off the edge of the bed and got up onto my feet. I turned back to see Connor still laying there with his mouth slightly parted and his hair in front of his face. What an angel. I started to make my way to the kitchen

Sunlight poured in through all the windows as I started the coffee maker. I didn't drink coffee, but I knew Connor would enjoy it.

I walked off to the bathroom to take care or my business, when I caught my reflection in the mirror.

I looked....gross. My hair lied flat against my face. There were circles around my glossy eyes and the worst part, I looked so scrawny and twig like. I was almost mad. Just yesterday I thought I was feeling better, but now all these thoughts came flying back to me.

I turned straight on my heal and exited the same way I had came. I fast walked to the living room trying to not wake up Connor. I threw myself on the couch and buried my head down. I could already feel the tears leaking from my eyes.

I hated how I wasn't strong ever. I wasn't strong mentally or physically and it sucked. It truly did.

"No,no,no,no" I started breathing heavily. What was happening to me? It was like I couldn't breathe.

I lifted my head up trying to get air. Nothing was working and of course I started panicking. Then to top it all of, footsteps were coming from down the hall.

No,no,no,no" I whispered to myself.

Then I had an idea. I got to my feet and ever so quietly tiptoed to the door, opened it and escaped.

My chest was still heaving as I walked to my apartment. I hate me. Why do I have to be so bad for Connor.

Just then I heard a almost silent buzz that sounded just phone. I must've left it in there.

Ugh, I need a reason I was gone. I thought and thought and thought, but came up with nothing good.

I started to walk back to Connors apartment, not having even entered mine. I opened the door and stepped in, trying to find the green eyed boy.

"There you are!" I heard a enthusiastic voice sound from the kitchen.

"Yep, I'm here." I responded while taking tiny strides to the source of the coffee aroma filling the air.

"Where were you?" Connor asked curiously. I hoped he hadn't checked outside because I said, "I just stepped outside for some air." He didn't question my response, so I think I was off the hook.

"Do you want to go somewhere with me tonight?" Connor asked, clearly wanting me to go." To where?" I asked confused."See the thing is I can't tell you?" He said making me have more questions."why can't you tell me?" I asked with a twitch of annoyance. "Because I can't" he responded. "Why, because you can't?" I asked like a 3 year old."because I want to take you on a date Troye!" Connor then shouted."oh ok" I said while slowly backing into the living room feeling a little hurt from him yelling at me.

"Troye come here." I heard Connor call from the kitchen. I didn't respond, but just sat down on his couch and positioned myself to look out the window and at the nature California provided.

"Troye?" I heard Connor. I turned to look at his figure standing in the doorway from the kitchen to the living room.

"Yes?" I responded finally. "I just want to take you on a date, will you go with me?" He asked me while whispering. "Yes I'll go." I responded and turned back to the window. I looked ok from the outside, but on the inside I was truly screaming like a girl.

I was now walking out of Connors apartment to get ready for our date. It excited me, it really did, I couldn't wait to spent some happy time with Connor.

"Make sure you are ready for when I come over at 5 o'clock. Ok?" I heard Connor pipe up from behind my turned back."yeah, I'll be ready." I responded and gave him a smile.

Authors note:
Hello lovelies, hope you enjoy this short little chapter :) and I probably can't upload a new chapter until Friday or Saturday so sorry for that! I love you all 💕

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