Chapter 7

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Flashback continued (I know there's a lot of flashbacks)

At this point I was laying on the ground between my two best friends watching one of the saddest movies I had seen in a while.

Connor was on my right while Tyler was on my left and we were all lying on our bellies facing my MacBook Pro watching 'The Fault In Our Stars' by John Green.

The sun had already gone down and we had unpacked the few things I had in my suitcases.

My living room was still empty along with my bedroom and dinning room.

"Hey, Troye we should go shopping for your apartment tomorrow, wanna go to Ikea or something?" Connor asked knocking me out of my concentrated state.

"Um, that would be great, I mean look at this place!" I beamed.

"I'll just have to drive home and change and we will be all good!" Tyler added.

"All I have to do is walk two apartments down."

With that we continued to watch the movie in the darkness of my new home.

(Spoilerish if you haven't seen the movie or read the book!)

It was getting to be the end of the movie when Gus passes away.

I knew it was coming, but I could already feel the dampness coming down from my eyes, and I knew I was crying.

I peeked over at Tyler who had his hand covering his mouth and then to Connor who wore a frown with his eyes glistening.

After the movie was finally finished, Tyler turned on the light. Luckily I had already wiped my eyes so I didn't look like I was crying too bad.

"We should get ready to go to bed." Tyler said.

"I guess."

After that we all laid on the floor again. We were just a little more spread out though. I was over by the comer with the two windows and Connor was about 5 feet away from me. Tyler was the farthest away from me being about 2 feet from Connor.

The others then dosed off as I tossed and turned. I completely forgot that there was a time difference, and of course I had jet lag!

After what felt like 4 hours it was only 3:26 A.M.

I then got up seeing it was useless to try to sleep if I couldn't.

I walked over to my empty bedroom through the long hall. After I entered the room I saw the moonlight shining through the big window that faced the front of my apartment.

I walked over to where the moonlight was shining through and I observed the view. Across the street there was more apartments that looked like mine. I wondered if they looks the same on the inside.

My thoughts were disturbed by a frail whisper coming from my door way. I whipped my head around not knowing who was standing there.

"I didn't mean to scare you." Connor whispered.

"No, I just didn't expect anyone to be up."

"Why are you up anyways?" I asked

"I woke up and you weren't there, so I went looking for you."

" well you found me." I spoke with a smile on my face.

Connor then joined me by the window and we were both looking outside into the night filled air.

I then turned to look at his features. His eyes glistened in the moonlight and his hair sat sloppily on his head, but he was still the most adorable human being ever made.

I was then interrupted by Connor turning his head toward me. I guess I was closer then I thought, because I could feel his breathe bouncing off my lips.

I just stared at him and his beauty until I came back to reality and redness swept over my cheeks. I pulled away and stepped away from him with a sigh knowing I probably ruined everything.

Then out of nowhere as I was stepping away, Connor put his hand on my arm and pulled me back.

Then what I wasn't expecting at all, he connected our lips.

I felt alive and buzzing. I was wide awake now and I felt amazing. I don't know why he did it, but he did.

I pulled away from his soft lips though.

"Are you sure?" I asked Connor with wonder.

"I am definitely sure."

With that our lips were reconnected and the buzzing came back. My lips felt like some magic had touched them as cliché as that sounded it was true. My lips felt numb as his soft lips moved perfectly with mine.

So that is what we did at 3 in the morning in the moonlight. I couldn't have imagined it any better.

Authors note:
So finally something happened whoop whoop! I know there is a lot of flashback stuff, but that's the way I made the story. I hope you enjoyed : )

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