03 ▪︎ Nemesism

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The moist slap of sweaty skin reverberates through the sparsely furnished dark bedroom as Jungkook pounds himself aggressively into a new woman for the first time.

His eyes cinched shut as tight as he can manage, he grasps the female's shoulders in a panic feeling his end near. His mouth contorts into a feral snarl matching the claw of his nails into her soft skin.


Her call goes unnoticed as he strokes harder, faster.

"Ugh.. Jungkook!"

Again, her voice is ignored. Jungkook growls and mumbles curses under his breath before gasping "I'm cumming!"

"Pull out! Jungkook!"

But it is too late. He, having already released into the girl, sighs in relief collapsing on top of her small frame.

"Damnit! What the fuck!" The girl yells as she shoves him on his back to the bed beside her immediately rushing towards the toilet.

Jungkook wipes his matted hair away from his sweaty forehead, a cheeky smirk spreading across his lips as he attempts to slow his breathing. He can hear the girl continually curse from the confines of the bathroom.

"That was great," he comments after a few minutes, stuffing himself into his jeans. He rises to the edge of the bed and reaches for his hoodie and boots to quickly redress.

"You're an asshole, you know that?" the girl blasts reentering the bedroom with her hands on her hips. She is only dressed in the thin tank Jungkook allowed her to keep on while he bed her.

"Yeah, I know. Your point?"

"My parents will kill me if I get pregnant again before I graduate!"

Jungkook is thankful his face is covered by the hood he has pulled over his face when his eyes double in size. "Again?"

"Yes! And I couldn't piss your nut out so I hope you're ready to be a dad!"

He chuckles to himself. Standing to face the girl, he proudly states "Honey, if you're knocked up it's not mine. I can't make kids."

"Bullshit," she groans crossing her arms. "You're just trying to not take responsibility! What type of man built like you are can't make a baby?"

"One that had a vasectomy two years ago."

"As young as you were? Why would you do that at twenty-one years old?"

Her statement catches Jungkook off guard as he remembers he aged himself backwards a few years upon meeting her. He just wanted to get laid and figured a twenty-three year old at a college party would be questioned less than a twenty-seven year old would.

"So I wouldn't end up trapped by some chik who wound up pregnant." He approaches the girl and with a parting kiss on her temple, adds "Thanks for tonight, Ani."

Midstride Jungkook is stopped when he hears the girl say, "Mari. My fucking name is Mari, you prick."

"Mari. Nice name. Have a good night, Mari."

The walk back to his car is short as Mari lives on campus and he parked just off of the main road nearby. He couldn't help but to think about his unintentional slip up calling Mari by Ani's name.

Jungkook frowns stuffing his fists into his black cargo pants front pockets.


Fucking Anais.

No woman before or since had felt the way she did. The way he could feel her open her body to him completely the first time without hesitation is a feeling he has since longed for, seeking out multiples of other women in her place.

She bent to his will, something the other women would not do. He even tried another virgin or two believing maybe the naivety they had would produce another Ani.

He was wrong.

None of them could replace her.


Fucking Anais.

"Fucking bitch," Jungkook mumbles to himself as he approaches his car.

Dropping himself into the driver seat, he fetches his keys from above the sun visor and cranks his car. The grinding of metal lasts only a second before silence. He tries again with the same outcome, slamming his hands on the steering wheel out of frustration.

"You fucking bitch!" He yells trying and failing again and again to start his car. Once he accepts that he will have to find someone to help him drag it home again, he lays his head on the wheel to calm himself.

Jungkook hates walking home, but on the upside the weather is nice. A gentle breeze wafts through his blonde locks occasionally as his mind carries on with thoughts of her.

He wants her again. He wants to feel her accept him the way she had before, willingly and fully. Feeling a slight stiffening in his boxers, he groans at the thought of going home.

When he opens the door to his apartment, he is instantly bombarded with the cries of an unhappy infant. Frowning and sticking his fingers in his ears, his girlfriend-only-by-description Lana walks into living room with relief washing over her round face.

"Finally! You're home! Work run late again?" She asks trying to soothe the unruly child.

"Yep," is all Jungkook replies.

"Would you like Daddy to watch you so Mommy can shower, sweetheart? Yeah, I bet you would like that," Lana baby talks to the infant making an effort to pass her into Jungkook's arms.

"Fuck! I think I forgot to lock the back door when I left work!" He exclaims looking defeated.

"Oh." Lana's face drops.

"I have to walk back because my car won't start, but I shouldn't be gone more than an hour, tops." He kisses Lana's temple and without so much as acknowledgement to his daughter, turns to leave the apartment.

"Jungkook?" Lana sadly calls.

"Yeah?" He pauses before closing the door.

"I love you."

He doesn't bother to face her, replying only, "Me, too."

Twenty minutes later, two floors down and three doors over, Jungkook once again pounds himself into another woman, this time one that is closer to his age. He enjoys himself with this one, Carlisle (Carly for short) since she is always ready for a quickie.

Carly wasted no time dropping to her knees and wrapping her thin lips around his engorged length the second he entered her apartment. She moaned and sucked like a pro who needed no direction.

He liked that.

Once into the main event, however, he wasn't happy. Being inside of her was okay, better than some, but still only average. Nothing spectacular.

Carly wasn't her.


Fucking bitch.

Jungkook doesn't use his whole hour as per his excuse, drudging his way back up the two floors to his own apartment. When he opens the door he hears only silence, thankful the child has passed out somewhere.

He uses the bathroom and strips down to his underwear laying in bed behind his girlfriend-only-by-description Lana who snuggles herself into his muscular body.

"Jungkook?" She whispers softly so as not to wake the sleeping child at her bosom.


"Do you have to work tomorrow?"

Jungkook considers which of his female friends he should see that he hasn't visited in a while.

"Yes. Another long day probably."

"Oh." Lana once again sounds sad. "Can you buy us a pregnancy test tomorrow? My period is late."


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