12 ▪︎ Tacenda

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Miriam was never an acceptable name to Tisha. Tisha had a difficult time understanding why her parents would give her the quite literal beautiful Jamacian name of Tishana just to hide it behind Miriam.

By age fourteen Tisha decided to ditch her first name, correcting anyone who addressed her as such promptly and in a stern manner. By the second week of doing so, everyone in her school knew her as Tishana only.

Tisha was always an exemplary student excelling in any subject or activity she decided to conquer. Her parents saw her potential from a young age and after saving for some time enrolled Tisha in the elite high school on the rich side of the city for her last two years.

The first of the two was difficult for Tisha. She didn't fit in with the wealthy students and the very few ethnic students in attendance kept their heads down studying to keep their grades at their peak.

Senior year was an unexpected surprise in many ways. The first day, she woke late but precisely on time to witness the the glowing brake lights of her missed bus as it made its first right turn. In her rush, she broke the zipper of her new backpack and snapped the laces of her new shoes which is where her eyes were when her body collided with a hard, solid object.

Backpack abandoned, two arms wrapped themselves around her waist as Tisha lost herself in the obsidian pools that were a male student's rounded eyes. Her hands both against his well-built chest, her voice softened itself as she thanked him.

Though the thank you was intended for preventing her from falling, somewhere in the back of her mind the thank you was actually intended for him being the one catching her as she fell.

His warm body felt like lust and desire pressed so close to her own, a toxic mixture Tisha would definitely imbibe if given the chance. For now, this situation would appear inappropriate to anyone passing so she reluctantly asked the handsome stranger to release her.

She honestly didn't want to, and she could tell he didn't want to either. She asked twice before he slowly withdrew his arms leaving her to stand on wobbly legs.

Tisha found herself pleasantly surprised to have classes with the boy she affectionately nicknamed Kook, and she looked forward to every last one. They chatted about topics random to most but quite interesting to the two of them.

A few months and several intense moments later, Tisha once again found herself running late, this time for her afternoon bus. As she slammed her locker shut, two male students with lascivious grins approached her, backing her into a small corner.

She pinched her eyes shut when the taller boy's hand ripped her shirt open and grazed the sensitive skin inside her left thigh. They reopened amidst grunts and punches blown at the accosting male.

Her classmate Jungkook mercilessly pummeled the boy into the vinyl floor. Tisha laid one hand on Jungkook's lower back as she croaked "Enough".

To her surprise, Jungkook stopped.

Also to her astonishment, Jungkook gazed deep into her eyes as blood dripped from his bruised knuckles and confessed "I love you, Tisha."

Tisha nearly returned the sentiment. Her feelings for him had indeed blossomed over time, but knowing how her parents would react if she brought this boy home caused her hesitation.

So Tisha brushed it off while Jungkook removed his button down uniform shirt and offered it to cover her modesty. His cheeks a soft pink, he admitted his shirt looked better on her.

From that day forward, Tisha's heart turned cartwheels to hear Jungkook's declaration of love and she fake laughed it off each time amazed that there was no fear in his smooth voice. In the back of her mind, a little voice always replied I love you too, Kook.

Quatervois: Metanoia Book 2 // jjk [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now