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Pink is Lana's least favorite color.

Having a difficult time containing the tears that prick behind her long lashes, Lana loses the fight once again as she reaches down to the floor to lift her crying daughter from the flowery pink receiving blanket.

The child doesn't cease crying, screaming louder now that she is in her mother's arms and louder still closer to her mother's ear. Lana uses her free hand to wipe away her own downpour of sadness, carrying the child to her changing table. The nauseatingly horrid smell gave away the baby's reason for upset.

Lana places her phone on an adjacent table while she cleans her daughter's mess repeatedly glancing to the darkened screen just knowing he will return her call today.

He has to.


Chewing the skin from her well bitten upper lip over the anticipation of a call that never comes, she finishes changing her daughter and takes her and her precious cell phone into the living room once again. She returns the child to the floor with her toys with a sigh before sitting on the edge of the sofa.

Please call, she silently begs.

Please don't leave me to do this again on my own.

Lana only wants to be loved. Craving the husband, children, house with a white picket fence, and a dog has her putting herself in positions she knows are wrong.

Eighteen is still rather young, too young perhaps, to want to settle down, but he came along with his sweet words and instilled that need in her. So what if the need presented itself mid-coitus in the backseat of his beat up car parked at the darkened end of his apartment complex parking lot? True love materializes in different forms for different people.

Pregnancy is a happy occasion for many women though those women are usually better prepared to handle such an unplanned event. Lana's tears soaked through her faded tee shirt bearing her high school's mascot that spring day as she sat in the nurse's office during her second class period.

The disappointment etched across the nurse's face at Lana's positive pregnancy test was heartbreaking but not as heartbreaking as the last words her mother and father later spoke to her.

"How could you be so stupid?"

Lana couldn't understand why he was all too accepting of her texts and phone calls before opening herself to him, and afterwards her texts go unanswered and her calls are sent to a full voicemail box.

She had to find him and tell him they were to be parents and have their own family. He would be thrilled, she concluded, as he said he would love to have his own little family some day.

Shattered didn't even begin to describe her heart seeing him in the backseat of his beat up car at the darkened end of his apartment complex parking lot with another girl a week later. She fled but not before revealing her pregnancy to the partially clothed couple and struggling to hold down the gummy bears she'd just eaten.

He didn't follow. He still didn't return her texts or calls either.

Meeting Jungkook felt like fate. Young, handsome, and with his own apartment, Lana hit the jackpot. She laid with him the first night they met all too willing when he didn't want to use any contraception.

Of course not. She can't get pregnant that way -or rather- she can't blame this pregnancy on Jungkook if he uses a condom.

Jungkook took her at her word when she announced her pregnancy again for the first time allowing her to stick around. Her parents were less than happy when she unveiled her child's paternity, as they deemed him unfit to father Lana's child.

Lana's parents tired of Lana's 'less than intelligent life choices' forcing her to move out of the only home she had ever known. At least she was able to to stay in her home until her graduation but by then Jungkook had given her a key to his place.

Lana left and didn't look back content this was the right thing to do. Her abdomen grew and she smiled as the tiny flutters grew to full kicks until the day she gave birth.

Jungkook seemed to work nonstop, but he had to take care of Lana and their newborn. Lana's plan was foolproof, or so she thought, as she hadn't expected the child to be born looking so much like her father.

Her biological father.

Lana could tell immediately Jungkook knew the child wasn't his, but he never once said a word. He continued to work and support the two of them just as any good man would do and for that Lana was grateful.

She knew Jungkook was the one.

Staying at home by yourself with a baby all day gets lonely quite quickly so neighborhood walks soon became a regular occurrence. Her child grew, her blonde locks curling more and her aquamarine eyes becoming bluer and she soon was an exact replica of him.

Her biological father.

On one of their late afternoon walks, Lana ran into a pair of aquamarine eyes she could not forget no matter how hard she tried as she looked into a similar pair daily; her daughter has the same hue. Lana's heart nearly stopped beating at the sight.

There he stood as beautiful as ever with a smile that turned Lana into a puddle on the warm sunset drenched concrete sidewalk. It only took a few honeyed words and two or three more sweet smiles for Lana to return to her spot in the backseat of his beat up car at the nearly dark end of his apartment complex parking lot.

And now we come full circle as she once again stared at the two almost glowing, bright pink lines on the little white stick. This can't be happening.

Jungkook isn't intimate with Lana. Since their first time, he has only slept with her once more and that was while she still carried her child before her stomach began to grow.

For things to work this time around, Lana had to figure out a way to have sex with Jungkook again. Such a seemingly impossible feat as he barely even looked her way.

Lana still isn't proud of this one but desperate times call for desperate measures. She plowed Jungkook with alcohol until he passed out then disheveled his clothing laying him next to her in bed. She made sure for extra believability she only wore a tank top just as he preferred.

Jungkook came to the next morning just as nauseated as Lana felt. His eyes widened in utter disbelief seeing Lana in only a top and clinging too close to him with words of love pouring from her rosy lips like vomit.

With her plan in full motion, Lana isn't proud but she feels she has made the right decision. Jungkook is a good, faithful, hardworking man and he will be a great father for her children. There isn't a doubt in her mind about that.

She decided she doesn't care if she ever sees those heart stopping aquamarine eyes another day in her life.

And should her children's biological father decide to come back around, well, Lana knows not to fall for his salacious tricks the next time.

The rhythm method was created for a reason.


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Quatervois: Metanoia Book 2 // jjk [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now