Roommate 16:Officially?

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"Would you let me officially court you,kook-ah?"

Jungkook look at jimin a bit startle. He pause for a long time before answering.

"Ofcourse-"he continue,"-not" "What the hell were you thinking,do you really think I would say yes? What makes you think asking me officially will make a difference? If I didn't before why the hell would I now?" Jungkook ask but how he say it was more likely a statement.

Jimin swore he could feel it was broken,again. His heart was broken again. If it hurts when he confess then what would it feel when he got rejected. It's not a question it's a statement.

He froze on his spot,head hung low. There's an tear that want to escape and his trying to stop it. He don't want to be weak infront of jungkook. Not infront of his love.

"I have say no before,why would you think I will now? You should have expect this. I know your fool but I didn't know your stupid."

Then the alone tear jimin tried to stop has finally drop now follow by another then another. It didn't stop and he didn't tried to stop it.

"What did I ever done to you!?! You know I really did love you,right?! I have suffer this past few weeks,I tried to be close to you,I have show you my effort,I always think about you and your safety even I myself is on the edge!!"

"Am I that ugly?! Am I fat?! Am I really that easy to move on?! Am I that hard to love?! Am I not enough?! I don't really know what's wrong with me so why don't you tell me instead?!!" Jimin shout with tears brimming down his eyes. It really hurts you know. It really is. Got rejected without knowing what's wrong with you. Not knowing what could possibly wrong with you being with the someone you love.

"Yes!! Yes,your ugly!! Yes,your fat!! Yes,you're easy to move on!! Yes,your hard to love!! And yes!! Yes!! You're not enough!! There I said it,you happy!?" That was his brain said but his hearts answer was,

'No,you're not ugly infact your that most beautiful person in the world for me,no one can beat you for that. No,you're not fat,your personality is beautiful as your body,it's gorgeous,
Well what can I say I love all thing that has to be with you. No,your not easy to move on with,not even close. No,your not hard to love,it was and it is easy. It's like I find perfect on your imperfection. And no,your enough,more than enough actually. I couldn't ask for more,it just that the problem is me. Me and my question for my sexuality.' But ofcourse he will not say it out loud. No,his ego can't allow it. So he shut his mouth watching the man infront of him break down. He feel bad really but he thought why would he?

"I-is..t-t..t-that r-really w-want??"


"I will give you space but I won't give up on you"


"As I said I won't give up on you cause I love you."

"As I also said,unlove me then."

"You know what,this isn't gonna fix anything,I'm going." Jungkook said throwing the flower back to jimin then walk off leaving jimin alone.

Jimin walk up to the flowers and pick it,he smile sadly before breaking out a painfull sob. He decide tonight he won't keep the pain anymore,he won't hide how hurt and painfull it is,he's tired,

So later he found himself in the bar. Drinking himself to forget,to stop,to ignore the ache he feel on his heart. His tears never stop,eyeing his drink like his life depends on it then he brought it up to his mouth,chugging it down loving the feeling of the burning he feel on his stomach.

After a while another painful sob was heard from him,it was amusing really he didn't know that he still have tears left.

He know crying won't change anything but atleast it help to ease his heart a bit.

He will about to drink again when someone block his hand glaring at him.

"Jimin."he said with an deep frustrated little whiney voice.

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