Roommate 10:Maybe

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It's jhope. Oh my gee!!!!

"Hoseokieee~~!!you're here~!!" Jimin cheered while running to jhope like a toddler seeing his mom after a month.

"Mochi!! How are you?"jhope ask hugging jimin tightly,the boy really did miss jimin. "I'm ok hoseokiee" jimin beamed

"Woah woah woah I just leave a minute and you already have a new bestfriend,
wow I'm very hurt,thankyou very much"tae said pulling jimin off hobi

"Tae don't be a drama queen,anyways did you bring him here?"

"Yep,sure did I but now that I think I hope I didn't"tae playfully said "you're his friend too,don't be like that"jimin pouted,looking at hoseok like a lost puppy

"Ok ok mochi,how about we eat,I'm hungry I know a foodcourt"tae suggest dragging both jimin and jhope

"He didn't change at all huh? He always eat"
"Yeah hyung he never change"jimin smiled ang looked at tae.

After a minute
"So jimin, I have heard that you have a little crush,who is it?"hobi ask wiggling his eyebrows before drinking his sprite"his jeon jungkook"tae said cutting jimin off who would say 'no one'

Hoseok literally chocked hearing that. "Hobi hyung,are you ok?"jimin ask glaring at tae who just shrugged his shoulder,handing jhope tissues

"Jungkook?!!?? As in JEON
motherfucker JUNGKOOK!???"jhope asked gaining a lot of attention but then again he couldn't care less.

"Yeah,What's the big deal about it?" Jimim asked eating his fries "what's the big deal!??the big deal is his jeon jungkook and that's enough reason to be a big deal!!"Jhope said angrily shoving his burger in his .

"What about it? I don't find it a big deal"jimin said quite annoyed"jimin!!jungkook is the rudest fuckboy I have met in my 20 years of life!!he fuck and fuck then fuck!! Cause he's a fuckboy!!"jhope said or I guess yell.

"Hyung,maybe your life is wrong. I have never seen him being rude to anyone"jimin said "jimin his good at pretending and maybe if I don't know him I'll think that his an actor"jhope reasoned,putting his hands on jimin's. "Hyung maybe your right but what's the reason for him to pretend if he can just throw me out in our dorm? And even if did it's ok as his face is so worth it" Opss wrong move jimin"wait wait wait wait! You guys are roommates!!?? As in as in? Salt? And I know that his handsome but-"jhope said

"hyung don't worry,I'm fine and I'm already trying to get over him"

"Get over my ass-"taehyung got cut off when jimin kick his feet. He hissed and turned to jimin who's now signaling him to stop or he'll be dead,smiling at hoseok jimin said that they should eat.

-timeskip brought to you by jimin's height-

Hoseok and jimin is waiting for taehyung which is now at the fitting room. Tae decide to buy some gucci clothes since he think that his babies are not enough.

On the other side,jimin can't help but to be confused about what jhope tell them earlier.

Jimin's Pov
How could hoseok hyung say that jungkook is the rudest man he ever met. I mean jungkook is nothing but nice to me.

"Hyung" jimin called out

"Do you need anything jimin?"hoseok ask looking at jimin

"Uhmm,about earlier I want to ask. How could you say that jungkook be rude?"

"Well it's simple. First,he always get what he wants and if he didn't you don't want to know what's will he do,because his rude... Second he always fuck and play girls,the girl would end up crying by being replace by another one but he didn't care even a single fuck,because his rude..Third he always want to be the number one,and if I mean always it means always,because his rude. Fourth if someone want to fight with jungkook-wait scrap that,they are all scared to even fight jungkook and no one even dare's,because his rude! And lastly his the rudest man I met cause he is!! And if you want me to add more I can say that I would be finish next week!!"

"B-but hyung he never treat me the way you describe him"jimin stutter

"Really? But mostly students that I know also describe him like how I did or maybe"

"Maybe what hyung?"

"Or maybe,just maybe.

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