Roommate 5:Flashbacks

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..please be there please!!" Jimin said rushing to his desk checking if his necklace is still there

"God!!!Oh my shit I can't live without this. K-kokkie I thought it's gone!!!"

That necklace his talking about is what his kookie give to him before he leaves.. kookie and jimin are childhood friend. Well not just friend,kookie is jimin's first puppy love,first crush,first love,
and most importantly his
first heartbreak.

They have know each other since jimin is 6 years old and jungkook is 5 years old

Jimin is walking in the play ground when he notice a boy crying under a tree so he approach the boy

"Hey!"he said friendly

"Who are you!?"the boy asked stepping back

"Don't be scared. I won't hurt you and why were you crying?"

"Sorry not sorry but how can you hurt me!? You're a girl and girls is weak so I don't speak to girls"

"Girl?I'm a boy but does that mean,I'm pretty?And duhh girl is not weak they are just soft and girly so they didn't fight back"

"Yeah you are pretty so you're a girl.. I don't need your help you annoying pretty girl"

"I'm not a girl but atleast you said I'm pretty-wait aishh let's stop this..what's your name?"

"I can't tell you my name but you can call me what you want. You what's your name?"

"Okie!! I'll call you kookie and you can call me what you want too to be fair"

"Uhmm point.. I'll call you uhmm chimchim!

"Now that we're friends. Can't you tell me why did you cry?

"Who said that we're friends? No one, right?so don't assume things"

"Aishh this kid,just tell me"

"I lost my toy bunny"

"I have toys in my house"

"So? I have toys too in my house"

"But mine is prettier and they are alot.

"So? What's the point? It doesn't mean if I have less toys I'll die"

"What I'm sayin you can have one"

"Im not cheap to just have one,What if I want half of your toys?

"I'll give them to you"

"But what if I want them all just to myself?

"Ill give them all to you"

"You'll not cry?

"I won't they're just toys and if means you'll be happy then you can have them"

"Okie!!" Kookie said happily

End of flashback~~

They have been friends since 3 years but when jimin turn 11 he ask kookie if they can date gladly kookie accept him but does not mean he didn't question anything and soon he'll leave jimin when he's 12

"Chim don't be sad.I'll comeback I
promise"Kookie is now leaving with his parents to Seoul so jimin will be left alone in busan

"But kookie~~!!! You'll leave me how can I not be sad!??" Jimin cried hugging kookie to stop him

"Don't worry maybe you can also go to Seoul when your old enough then we can be together again"

"But kookie what if you don't recognize me???What will I do?"

"That's why..I have this so if I see someone with this I'll know it's you" kookie show a necklace that has 'chimkook' imprinted on it

"It same to this" kookie show the necklace jimin gave to him when his turning 12 on his birthday that has 'kookchim' imprinted on it

Kookie leave jimin alone wearing the
necklace he gave.It's hard for him but he acted tough just for his chimchim. He promise to himself that chichim will be his first and last

End of flashback~~
Jimin cried kneeling infront of his desk hugging the necklace "I'm glad that your still here. I won't forgive someone if they destroy you"jimin said kissing the 'chimkook'

Jimin couldn't remember his kookie's face so he hide the necklace afraid that it'll be lost and if he don't have the necklace it means he can't find his kookie and he don't want that

Standing up jimin put his neclase into the box then put it on his drawer. Sighing he started cleaning his drawer then putting back his blanket and unboxing the opened box and put it where it belongs.

Get ridding the boxes. Jimin walk out from his room.He entered and about to go out when he notice a small frame

He walk to it and see a boy backhugging another little boy infront of him giggling. Jimin found it weird that the two boys feels familiar to him

Suddenly his head start aching then he pass out..

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