Roommate 18:Guilty

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Author's Pov
Yoongi is walking to his car while helping jimin who is very drunk.

Yoongi is still half sobber so he know he can drive them back,safely. Because if something happen to jimin,he won't forgive himself ever.

Yoongi is seated in the driver seat while jimin is there slump on the passenger seat,mumbling nonsense.

Yoongi just chuckle,finding jimin cute. He quickly fasten jimin's seatbelt not forgetting to kiss his forehead,then drive off.

A few moment later~
Yoongi and jimin is in the elevator waiting for it to stop on their floor.

Jimin keeps mumbling nonsense words.

After a while they reach their floor and hop out of it with yoongi helping jimin.

He brought jimin infront of jimin's door,knocking after.

"What do you-"jungkook said after opening the door but shut it off when he see jimin and yoongi,hugging.

Eyeing them weirdly,no scrap that. Eyeing them possessively,he ask,

"What do you want?"


"Ok." Jungkook reply then grab jimin,wrapping his arms around his waist tightly.

"Wait-I mean to said was help to open the door not-"

"Atleast I help you,didn't I? Now if you don't need anything,you can leave." Jungkook said backing off a little then shut his door.

He let go of jimin,who could have possibly fall if not with the help of the small table beside him.

"Why did you let him touch you!?" Jungkook shout,looking at jimin dangerously.

"He help me." Jimin said,then sat on the floor.

"Yah! Get up. Get up now." Jungkook demand but jimin didn't listen to him so he walk towards him,pulling jimin up.

Jimin wrap his arm around jungkook's neck,pouting while looking at him,cutely.

"Jungkook's-ah~~hehehe"jimin giggle cutely.

Jungkook's Pov
"What the fuck?" I ask while looking at him but he just blink his eyes on me cutely. The fuck? Do he want me to die?

"Bad boy~!! My jungkookie is bad boy~!"he said with a little high pitch and hit me lighty.

"Why did you drank,hyung?" I ask him,leading both of us in the couch.

I sat myself ontop then place jimin on my lap.

He snuggle close to my neck,nuzzling his nose as I hum softly in response.

"You know what? There's a guy who hurt me badly!!" He said like a matter of fact. But why won't he saying that guys name,I mean my name.

"Who is he,hyung?" I ask while playing with his hair,it's so soft and smooth.

"Uhmmm,"he looks up signing his thinking hard "can I not tell his name?"

"Why?" I look at him confusely,what the hell?

"I don't want people hate or badmouth him." He said while looking at me with sparkly eyes.

"Why? What did he do to you?" I ask as I caress his cheeks.

"He rejected and humiliated me. He was so rudee~! But you know what? I still love him!" He said,leaning in to my touch,closing his eyes

"Even what all he did I can't bring myself to hate him." He said with tears escaping his eyes.

"Do you really love him that much?" I ask as I feel a sting in my heart looking at him.

"Is that even a question,tsk." He said while waving is hands at me.

"I thought he hurt you then why don't you hate him? Forget him?" I ask while stopping my tears to escape.

"Is that what you really want,gukk?" He ask,tears rolling down his eyes but he look at me as if his fine. What have I done?

"What? What do you mean?"

"Do you really want me to hate you? To forget you? I can pretend and do it just for you." He said bringing his hands to caress my cheeks kissing the other.

"I-i...I don't know." I said as my tears fall down.

"Tell me what you want I'll do it. Anything,kook. Anything."

"I want you to be happy. I want you to stop hurting." I mumble,connecting our forehead,with tears from both of our eyes.

"I'm happy! I'm happy if you are. Don't mind me,kook-ah."

"Jiminnie." I sob. He think of me even when his hurting.

"Aww,my jungkookie stop crying now." He chuckle,still crying himself.

"Jimin,can you please be true to yourself just for once,infront of me,please?"

"But jungkookie I'm-" I cut him off by a kiss.

I kiss him for the first time I'm sobber.

I lick his lips to taste him,it's so good,strawberry with a bit of alcohol.

He was frozen but finaly kiss back,his lips is so good. Plump yet soft,juicy yet  like a lolli,addicting. I swear I won't ever get tired of this.

I about to ask permission to taste him fully but suddenly I taste something salty? I back away to see him crying.

"No no baby,why are you crying?"

"It just that your lips is so soft. What are you applying,can I have some?" He ask innocently,while pointing at his pouting lips,chuckling,I peck him. What can I do,It's so addicting.

"If that's what you want,baby but stop crying it hurts me seeing you hurt." I said,petting his hair.

But he cry more. I know I ask him to be true but I can't see him like this. It broke my heart.

"If only you'll love me back then it won't be this hard. I hate you,I love you." He said while hitting my chest lighty.

But all I could do is chant sorry.

Author's Pov
The night for both jimin and jungkook was full of many tears,what if's,if only,
and mostly sorry.

Jungkook for the first time in forever feel again this feeling.

Feeling of stirring in his stomach,the feeling of stinging in his heart.

His heart kept saying 'it's you fault.' But his mind said 'it's not your fault that he loves you and head over heels for you.'

But nonetheless he still feel the feeling of,what is it called again,guilty?

Yeah,he feel guilty.

Guilty of kissing jimin when his drunk and guilty because of how painful it is for jimin.

'You and your ego is the one who caused his pain,now you feel guilty? Pathetic.' Said of his heart and mind.
Finally agreeing to each other.

Yeah. Guilty. He feel guilty.

And he hates feeling it.

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