Author's Pov
As jimin and yoongi spending time to know each other,there's jungkook spending time with taehyung and currently their cuddling since tae suggest to sleep.But there's a man named jungkook,
awake and thinking. Thinking that even he feel happy with taehyung something in his heart feel incomplete,like there's something missing,someone is.'Even taehyung is here right now I can't stop thinking about him,about jimin. The difference of the way I cuddle witht tae to jimin is undeniable strong. As when it's tae it just ok,fine but when it comes to jimin I feel my heart at ease,genuinely happy,I felt matched and fix. As it like his fixing me. My perfect half. But- wait jimin! I forgot about jimin! Where is he now? What the hell is he doing now!??'
Jungkook rumble woried,he's about to fetch his phone but then he remember He don't have jimin's phone number! Tsk tsk stupid of him!"Now what?" He voice out loud surpring tae who was busy sleeping.
"You ok?" Taehyung ask.
"Yes,it just that jimin-" before jungkook can finish his word taehyung suddenly slap him shouting.
"Ahh! You bastard!!! I come here for jimin you bish!!"
"Tae-," taehyung start throwing pillows to him.
"Bastard!! Bastard!! Bish!! You chicken skin!!" Taehyung chant as he about to stop,jungkook throw pillows to his direction as they both started to fight.
"It's not my fault that my looks entices you that you forget jimin!!" Jungkook sassed.
"You egoistic shit. I rather stare at jimin all week than to see you face even for a minute!" Taehyung sassed back.
"I'm not an egoistic shit,dip shit! You are!" Jungkook accused,sulking.
"Oho the dip shit is sulking so that means it's true!" Taehyung tease while making dumb silly faces.
"Atleast I'm not an lost alien!"
"Atleast this alien is handsome." Taehyung said proudly tapping his underchin with the back of his palm.
"Who told you that your handsome?"
"My mom!" Tae proudly said.
"O my gosh! I didn't know your mom was blind. I'm sorry." Jungkook said with fake sad face.
"It's o- what?! My mom isn't blind!"
"Then why did she said your handsome? Well if she ain't blind maybe she's just lying so you won't cry!"jungkook said through his laugh.
"Ya-yahh!! My mom isn't a liar!" Taehyung depended himself while tackling jungkook who's busy laughing his ass off.
So they forget about jimin? Again?
"Well hahaha if your mom is not the problem maybe you are!!"
"And what are you trying to say!?"
"That you're deaf! Ofcourse!" Jungkook said,laughing while getting out of taehyung's hold.
They ran out of jungkook's room and unintentionally head to the living room while smiling like childs.
As taehyung got on top of him the door opened click as the person was shocked looking at their position.
"Hmm?" He hummed coldly
As minute or two pass,everything seems frozen and jimin decided to break it.
"Taehyung. Are you getting comfortable?" That you don't want to get off what supposedly mine! He seems calm as you see he is but he's literary shouting at the back of his mind.
"Oh? OH!" Tae exclaimed as he quickly got off jungkook not bothering to help him.
"Min that's not what you think it is! We're just-uh yeah we're just playing around." Taehyung explains as he look at jungkook asking for help.
"Yeah. But I don't think the need to explain things. So yeah get out of it." Jungkook said coldly passing the two friends with nothing.
"Jiminnie,it's not really what you-,"
"It's ok as he said nothing to explain." Jimin cut him.
"Go follow him he seems to NEED you" jimin said as he instructed tae who obey him. Huh,not what you're thinking my ass.
Taehyung was basically ontop of jungkook while his calves is in between jungkook's thigh as his knee is close to his crotch while trapping him,
believable that they are NOT doing something bad or looking to be doing some fucking bad. 'Note the shit ass sarcasm'.'Argghh. What's up with this fucking world. Are we in a fucking fiction or somethin? I intruduce my crush to my bestfriend,then they would got together!? Huh what a good story.' Jimin though as he enter his room not forgetting to make a loud bang when it close.
'Great. Now i know I have 0% chance with him. Fucking great' jimin thought as he enter his room with tears of anger and envy.
That's how the day for jimin,starting of as sad to happy to sad again. 'Even how happy memories I create after bad things at the end of the day it will always end to sorrrow.' Jimin thought as he cry himself to self.
Maybe yoongi didn't fully succed of his mission to keep jimin happy at all.

Roommate • JIKOOK FF •
أدب الهواةRoommate: I won't give up on you cause I love you-jm Then unlove me jimin-jk few months later You said you won't give up on me cause you love me,then why did you let go,don't you love me anymore-jk I gave up not because I want to,I gave up cause you...