Roommate 4:Falling for him

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Yeah his girlfriend

"congrats" I said like an idiot

"for what" 'for having him'i thought but ofcourse I can't say that.

"uhmm for being this beautiful and being his girlfriend?I heard his popular" I said more like question,hah jimin pabo.. but I think this girl is stupid enough to not know it

"ohh thank you and -hi babe" guess jungkook is there so I walk to the side to let them have there moment. And this girl suddenly jump to jungkook and kiss him.

Please not infront of me please I'm begging you not now

"oh jimin you still there,I didn't see you" jungkook stated after they broke apart.ofcourse you won't see me you'll never will.Wait what am I saying,I better get out of here "I gotta go" I said then ran off

I looked back and that's when I wish I never did, they're eating their faces off infront of me.

Stupid of you to think that he likes you. Stupid stupid,his just drunk.Running from the hallway I reach taehyung's dorm room,I knock and tahyung
opened,seeing me like this he rushed and hugged me.

"don't be sad min,let's go to our cafe I'll drive us there" I'm very thankful that I meet this alien I hope he won't change.

Author's Pov

Taehyung and jimin arrived at their coffe shop. Jimin is now sitting beside taehyung, hugging him.
Tae: Min don't cry,you just meet him last night and you say he stole your first kiss without your permission,why would you cry like that like you know him in ages.And besides you still don't know him so don't cry just because his straight.
Min:Go tae,you can do it keep reminding me that. You idiot,but tae that's not only reason why I'm crying. I saw them eating their faces off before I came to you.God know what would they do after.
Tae:My stupid friend,ofcourse they're probably having sex.
Min:Why are you my friend again?tae?.
Tae:Min,I'm sorry but I'm just saying that he's drunk how can he know what his doing.
Min:I feel for him okay? And he's so funny and sweet last night but earlier if I'm blind I would tell that he's not the jungkook I know last night
Tae:Min you didn't know him,you just helped him and min it just a kiss and I'll help you get over him
Min:ok but can you just shut up and comfort me.
Tae:Ok ok and min we'll met someone you would gladly see.
Min:Who is he?do I know him?
Tae:You'll know later.

Jungkook's Pov
When jimin ran off I can tell that his sad.I wonder why but guess it's not my business.And he said something happen last night?did I punch him?well that's what I thought earlier so he can handle it himself. He's beautiful and handsome and cute and hot at the same time but I'm straight totally totally and IF I suddenly feel something for him guess I'll show him my true colors. Hehehe

Author's Pov
Jimin is now infront of their dorm. He's about to leave to go to taehyung's room again cause he can't handle seeing jk and his girl right now but he heard crashes so he rushed to open the door and when he enter he wish he didn't have done it.

Jungkook and his girlfriend are in jk's room.
(⚠️🔞⚠️🔞.. WARNING:if your uncomfortable reading smuts you can skip the part or better just leave and don't read it's for your innocence)

Jungkook is ontop of the girl thrusting and wrecking the girl's hole,sucking her neck while his hands roam the girl's naked body,playing her pussy and pinching her nipples while the girl is under him wrapping her legs and her hands on jk's neck.

Jungkook and his girlfriend are having sex and gladly jimin can't see their body. Jimin never feel so devastated in his life.Yes jimin meet jungkook last night but he fell for him already,jimin is sensitive and soft hearted so it's not gonna surprise me if he fell for jk already but look jk is straight

Poor jiminnie. I hope jk will notice how hurt he is.

Jimin just walk to his room tearing up,he opened it,and got shocked on what he see.

His room is a mess. The unopened box are mess in the ground opened and ripped,desk and bathroom door opened,blankets and his thing falls and what worst is his baby blue box is open

"What is this?..h-help me my...


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