Roommate 28:Maybe

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And just like that the war between Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook happen. Win or lose,success or fail,life to death,whatever the fight cause they would try their best even if they shred  blood,sweat,and tears...Lmao just kiddin.

The fight between them just started so don't worry,I'm sure they would handle it maturely,right?


They act like toddlers fighting with the smallest things,like who gets to school first,go bath first,who got to have the milk for cereal first,argurments,
bickering,mocking,and oh those endless pranks they do.

And those stupid toddlers,I mean high schoolers didn't get contented by the fight in their dorm but also at school,causing the students to gossip about them and their rivalry. Noisy people these days.

They fight and fight and fight to no one's liking,I mean who would want to get involved and get accuse for nothing of them knowing what was even happening. Just like when:
A very innocent student walking in the hallway,not knowing what would happen,when suddenly a bunny like man came rushing to him and make him grab the empty bucket.

He was about to ask,when the bunny hides when he hears an ear breaking shout.

The student look on the way when he found a smOl,tiny,little baby chick coming to his way,wet and fucking mad.

"You!! Was it you?!" The chick yelled at the student,who was by now shaking in nervous.

"W-what do you mean sir? I'm just a new transferee, please don't hurt me!" The student beg,not wanting to get hurt or anything.

"So your a freshman? Then who the fuck did this?! Because you have the fucking bucket I got splash with!" Yeah it's the Park jimin you'll and a reminder you shouldn't pissed off a Park Jimin. He's scary.

"T-The guy that ca-came ruun-running here sir,he give me the bucket,sir." Stuttered the student,bowing down to Jimin.

"The guy,huh?" Ask jimin,getting the hint of who diss him.

"Yes sir,the handsome tall and muscular with bunny face. He was so scary." Tremble the student,well who wouldn't get scared of THE Jeon Jungkook,eh? So buff,so big,body full of muscularity.

"That asshole." Mumble him,setting his eyes on nowhere.

"I'll get you back,Jeon!" Shout him,knowing very well Jungkook is hiding somewhere,enjoying the scene.

"Darn you." With that he leave the poor student.

So would fucking want that,right?

Getting accused by a scary duo,by something you didn't know about. Oh the tension is really getting the best out of me.

I don't know if they really hate each other or maybe because they hurt eachother unintentionally,maybe the anger they have in eachother is just facade,to hide how they really feel,to hide the pain,and to indirectly say,'You hurt me' in 'I hate you'.

Sometime people say and express what they feel in othey way. In order not to get hurt,they are not cowards they just protect theirself in a way they know.

So don't be judgmental if you don't understand what they feel,not every person has the same situation,so try to learn to sit back,shut your mouth,and try to understand instead of judging. Make yourself useful by doing that.

And if you might ask where is taehyung. Well he is in 'somewhere' doing something that might get his mind off from his two idiot bestfriend. He can't say that he doesn't like Jungkook nor he can't say that he like Jungkook and he don't want to hurt his bestfriend,so might as well leave the things with them.

And as Jimin said it's not about how much your friend is with you,it's about how they support you and be with you when you need them the most,one friend is enough if their true because having friend isn't about how many you have,it's about how they're with you from thick to thin.

And Yoongi,well still with Jimin,nothing have change,letting Jimin use him so he can forget about Jungkook and ofcourse still hoping that maybe,maybe someday in someway out of nowhere jimin would want him,would need him,and would love him like how he love the latter.

You shouldn't expect to be loved so suddenly because you love the person.

You should love the person because you love them and not because they love you,because that's what they deserve.

Be patient,trust,and believe that they would love you when they would.

Everything has a right timing,things would get broken and fix in the right time.

And if you can't have someone you love,maybe because you deserve something more,someone who could love you the way you love them and someone who would love you because of you and not just the idea of being with you.

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