Replacing lightsabers with wooden sticks was just an illusion of safety. In reality, though it wouldn't cut a limb off, that staff can hurt you and incapacitate you in a fight just as well, especially when there was no holding back in strength.
Luke's form was steady and graceful, balacing the staff and blocking Lorna's hits, making good use of all his years of experience. The first time they practiced this sort of combat training, he was also relaxed, but now, two months later, his shoulders were engaged and his muscles were tensed.
He had to pay closer attention to the fight because Lorna's fast and quick technique had been polished. She was learning fast how to use her fast hands in spins and attacks, she turned her shorter height in an advantage too, being able to dodge some hits...
But her mistake, which they still had to work through, was the lack of defense. She focused on learning as much as she could about fighting back, probably to stop feeling like every time she stepped in front of him, she'll trip over and get hit. However, to block and measure the situation, or even just use more strength with each swing, that was a bit rusty still.
Lorna and Luke have been training in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for two months without interruption. And though getting used to this taxing routine required a lot of self discipline from Lorna, she found time to complain while doing the required things either way.
It was meditation in the morning. Followed by reading and learning from old books and writings still recorded in the temple or brought from others by Luke. Then there was the Force training or combat training, depanding on whether or not the day was of even number.
And since that day was combat training and they were almost done, seeing as the sun was about to set, Lorna was already getting quite uncomfortable. Beads of sweat peppered her skin and her muscles were beginning to fear sore from the effort.
The staff in her hands was getting heavier and heavier and though she managed to touch Luke with it twice this training session, a progress from all the times before, she has been hit more times than she could count. But that returned only to a quality Luke learnt to enjoy at Lorna: her stubbornness.
Their staff clashed together in an 'X' shape. Lorna pushed with a grimace and Luke countered with an equal strength, until he dropped his defense and slid his staff under her arm, landing a good hit at her side.
"You're dead," Luke noted. "Again." Though his own breathing was getting heavier, he sighed. "Do you want to stay dead this time?"
The moment she got hit, Lorna stumbled back and lost her footing, falling down on the cold floors of the training room of the temple. Her staff fell a bit further away. She groaned.
"And leave you alone?" She mumbled. With a Force pull, her staff returned to a grip and as she started to get up, she first swung it at Luke's feet.
While he jumped over it, Lorna had the time to spin back to her feet and meet him in a quick clash of their pretend sabers. She smiled, "You're stuck with me, Master."
Luke huffed a little laugh, while they continued the amicable fight. In these two months, he was pleased to discover that having an apprentice has chased away that loneliness he had in his heart when he reached Zor.
With Lorna here and her constant unexpected comments, it was hard to even get so bored you'd want to run away from Coruscant. She had very little patience to begin with and in a try to be as good of a teacher as he could, each lesson had something new.
Through their fight, Luke smacked her hand with his staff, making hers slips away from her grip while she yelped. Lorna's free hand though, did the work instinctively and stopped, through the Force, her stick from falling on the ground.

DYNASTY ( sw.. ) ✔
Fanfiction𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐒, 𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐘𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐑.. Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a story of truth and justice, of theives and liars alike was seeded after the fall of the Empire. Leaving Coruscant for countless missions, the Jedi of t...