o4. fear, hope and love..

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Yanua conentrated on keeping a straight posture, hands tightening into fists behind her back. "You went to Coruscant," she muttered through gritted sharp teeth at the hologram before her.

"I did," Marmil shrugged, nonchalant to her dismay.

"Do you realize how much has this caprice of yours endangered our mission, you reckless-?"

"Need I remind you your silly plan would have never been possible without my sonic cannons, girl?" Marmil seized her with a superior look. "I don't answer to you. Never forget that."

Though she opened her mouth to speak, he terminated the call and the blue light of the hologram dissipated. Yanua was left in utter darkness again, barely holding on to those strings of rage in the back of her mind. Only the presence of her droid reminded her she had a voice to use and get things off her chest when needed.

So she turned around to her droid that very moment. "They're all the same. Idiots. Fossils. They shall always underestimate us, unless we show them the power the New Empire holds through our plan."

"Is there anything we should do about Vonath?"

"That joke of a king is getting on my nerves," Yanua admitted. "But we need more of his cannons to be manufactured before we eliminate him. Even so, he played a dangerous game by coming out as our ally in front of the Republic. He's lucky we know for certain the Jedi would rather tear each other apart than see through logic."

"Maybe he needs to be put in his place..."

Yanua stopped and considered those words. "We need the king alive... But being on the verge of death and tortured counts as alive too," her grin got accentuated now. "Call our pirate friends."

Lorna's solo mission didn't go smoothly and she returned hell-bent on changing the system, as much as Luke was concerned. Though the redhead insisted the Empire's game should not be taken as a joke, especially after all the so called proof she had, they were ordered, until further notice, to stand down.

She didn't take that well and after very little sleep, they had decided to take the matters to the Jedi Council itself, the dead one at least.

Luke has found a way to communicate clearly through the Force with the ghosts and energies of fallen Jedi, long passed from the material world. To do so, he required to get into a deep meditation, allowing his consciousness and energy to be on the same level with theirs.

For this ocassion, Lorna joined him in the meeting and that's where they were when things started going incredibly wrong again: in front of many spirits of Jedi, all sitting around and watching.

"Great doubt in you I sense," Yoda narrowed his eyes at Luke's apprentice.

"It's no doubt anymore," Lorna straightened up her posture and glanced at Luke in a defiant manner, before returning her attention to the council. "Much has happened and we are in no place to ignore it anymore. The Empire has never left the slate and with the help of a newly resurfaced Sith..."

"The Sith have returned?" Obi-Wan exclaimed, rather unhappy with the news. "That is indeed something we cannot ignore."

"You are not listening," Lorna shook her head. "It's not the Sith that matters. It's the fact that I think they made a biological weapon with which they can and will make the entire galaxy succumb to war more than ever before."

"Lorna has been tasked with a mission on a planet that has been affected by a virus," Luke explained, much calmer. "All infected beings had to be terminated-"

"They did not!" Lorna interrupted him, unapologetically angry. "How can you be alright with the fact that the Republic allows people to take us for mercenaries?"

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