o4. the sith's return..

580 29 99

"Document One:

[...] Ankial and Typh. Jedi of the Irtu Temple entered the valley upon the fifth moon of Beon with a sickness to heal. Typh has been infected with malaria during their higher missions. I recordered the same infection, though not as loud, at the perfectly healthy Ankial.

[...] registered the Force Bonds, classified as the Bridge, the Schism, the Dyad, the Rupture, the Link. The new discovery remains a secret.

[...] Typh has been cured and all pain inflections on Ankial vanished miraculously. I have requested permission that they are moved onto service in Beon Temple.

[...] approval came. The Force Bond encountered appears to be connecting two out of three components of existence: Mind and Soul. Rhe energy it creates is palpable and highly sensitive to emotions.

[...] Anikal died, slayed by creatures during the night. Typh died shortly after, though untouched and by my side, away from hard. "It hurts," he told me. His soul has been wounded. Energy that cannot be fixed.

Second document:

To define that which cannot be defined is heresy in purest form. The purity of light contained by the four types of Bonds recorded is beyond the comprehension of reality. How one perceives the nature and the cosmos, in all its vast balance, then so originally have these connections been made.

We have learnt these connections have remnants in each being and they are dormant. Some are strong and bright, some are made by us and forged.

The Jedi have acknowledged and accepted their presence; the rarer the bond, the stronger the connection, the higher the potential to achieve greatness and peace.

Third document:

[...] He was in my mind and I was in his. For too long, I haven't been aware of it and Darth Scyl took advantage of the bond to gain terrain in the war.

[...] The enemy must be defeated and my Master has found a way so my life shall not be linked to Scyl. We must act in secrecy.

[...] bond has been undone."

Lorna watched Luke read, expectedly. For the past week, unlike any time before, she has studied the texts they gained and documented all that was linked, amongst diaries and official records, with the Bridge.

Unfortunately, that was not everything that happened during the week. They have also received information of a planetbeing taken hostage by Yanua's remaining troops. She demanded that the Jedi face her or she will unleash the remaining drops of virus on the planet.

Obviously, she showed them on the holographic message the cannon, a prototype that has remained with her and not on Vonath. Yanua acted tactically and the planet she had chosen was small.

The New Republic needed approval to act, since the loss would have been greater than the lives at stake, especially going against two Destroyers, and Yanua made the ultimatum public. The entire galaxy knew that if the planet was consumed by the virus, it would be the Jedi Order to blame.

And them, turning themselves in, was obviously just a trap. Luke didn't trust anything and he has been trying to come up with a plan only to realize there was nothing they could do but try and help Leia into gaining the military approval.

Lorna, on the other hand, found these news as fuel to help her finish her research. That hopeful smile of her vanished once Luke read the pages and threw them back on the desk with a sigh.

"And how is this supposed to help us?"

"There's the steps in there for the process of..."

"And?" Luke insisted. Tiredness has gotten to him through stress, which most certainly, he couldn't handle just then to juggle at the same time with Lorna's silly obsessions.

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