The brisk morning air usually greeted Coruscant with a dense fog. It laid over the city like a blanket, silencing the deaf noises of vehicles and people, waking up to continue their lives. The lights were diffused by this fog that covered the lower levels and up there, in the docking area of the fleet, Lorna could see only specks of colors, washed out by white.
"Mornings are beautiful here, aren't they?"
Lorna quickly straightened up out of respect, since she recognized the voice. And indeed, once she turned around, she greeted no one else but General Leia. She was a beautiful woman, and even though it was so early, she effortlessly looked like she has been spending a lot of time on her hair and clothes.
"They are," Lorna nodded.
Now three months of training in, Luke and Lorna were starting to resume the mission taking that Luke used to handle alone in the past. Leia has assigned them this mission and she was probably there to see them get on it, which made Lorna realized just how greatful she was she chose to listen to her Master and wear those padawan robes.
"Where is Luke?" Leia glanced around briefly, then returned to looking the redhead up and down, assertive.
"He had a few things to check in the temple and sent me ahead to get the X-Wings ready, General," Lorna answered formally.
That formality made Leia fancy a small smile, "We know each other better than that. Maybe it's time you start calling me by my name, dear."
Lorna found Leia quite intimidating, but some reassembly of politeness made her at least agree with the General. "Alright then," Leia sighed. "Tell Luke I came by to wish you two good luck and a safe journey..."
"Wait," Lorna cut in once Leia wanted to leave. She has leart that Leia also underwent a Jedi training, so to solve her problem without bringing it up around Luke, it seemed only wise to mention it to his sister instead. "Luke had a nightmare last night."
Leia stopped and turned to Lorna, listening curiously, though the statement she heard confused her deeply. "And he woke you up because of it?" she tried to guess.
"Oh, no," Lorna shook her head. "Definitely not. He slept through the nightmare all the way 'till morning. I just had the same nightmare as him. And..."
"You had the same nightmare as him and at the same time?" Leia almost exclaimed as she repeated Lorna's explanation in the shape of an inquiry. "Was it a something relevant or prophetic?"
"That's the problem. It wasn't anything relevant in it. And before I trouble Luke with this, I thought I would get a second opinion."
"Hm," Leia nodded. "Don't worry about it, Lorna. If it helps put your mind at ease, I will look into it for you and tell you what I have found when you return, but I assure you it's nothing to arise problems."
Hearing some comforting words from Leia erased the entire issue from Lorna's mind so she managed to focus instead on the mission while she still waited for Luke, even after his sister left the docking area. To make the wait feel shorter, Lorna buckled up in her own X-Wing, leaving the capsule open still.
Though she hasn't finished reading the mission brief yet, from her quick scan of the two pages, she gathered at least the planet they were headed for and the fact that they needed to solve a slavery problem that has gotten out of control.
Apparently the slave owners, the ones that also owed the habitable land on that planet, have been found guilty of multiple murders, but no one has been able to put a stop to their cruelty thus far, for whatever reason. Things like this managed to leave a bitter taste behind in Lorna's mouth.

DYNASTY ( sw.. ) ✔
Fanfiction𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐒, 𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐘𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐑.. Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a story of truth and justice, of theives and liars alike was seeded after the fall of the Empire. Leaving Coruscant for countless missions, the Jedi of t...