o2. fate, faith and fear..

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"So let me get this straight...," Lorna deactivated the magnet keeping her hair together, putting it back in her pocket. An entire wave of red curls fell over her shoulders and a bit into her face. Though Luke was bothered by it, she didn't seem to mind her vision being disrupted.

Instead, she played with that blaster in her hand, now disarmed. The fact that she didn't put it back was a clear message she tried to send that she did not trust this blond boy for one second.

"You are the Luke Skywalker, the actual Jedi, the one that saved the Galaxy?" She huffed. I don't believe him in the slightest, her mind added.

"You don't believe me?"

"Did you just read my mind, pretty boy?!"

"And didn't you just read mine?" Luke tilted his head and Lorna finally noticed that she was hearing his voice despite him not actually opening his mouth. Obviously, she wasn't the only one noticing things.

Luke understood, from her calm, that the redhead was in no way surprsied of her own reach through the Force. "You knew you are in tune with the Force," Luke stated, tilting his head.

The most beautiful of things as a Jedi was just how much better it felt to be aware of the energy fields around you and others. And each time someone with an affinity for the Force came along, it was like a tug, or a gentle breeze, anything but quiet. It reacted to every single being, but to those who noticed it, it almost danced.

Lorna concentrated by furrowing her eyebrows, trying to block Luke out, but he effortlessly continued, "Why didn't you come forth when I called...?"

"That's enough," Lorna snapped. She shook her head, uncomfortable with this method of communication that for now, made her feel powerless. She also hoped Luke got the hint that she didn't wish to discuss this, but apparently, he remained oblivious and determined at the same time.

"I have been searching for people like us for a long time now, so we can rebuild the Jedi legacy and..."

"Sorry, but there is no we," Lorna cut him off. "Now give me back my credits and..."

"Then why are you on Zor?" Luke moved his hands behind his back, hiding the bag of credits there, away from her. It's been too long since he found anyone with abilities as his, so he allowed himself to be a bit pestering, even a bit excited too.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"It has to do with everything. Fate brought us both here, just when the Empire is apparently preparing for a big attack by mobilising their forces in this system..."

"Oh," Lorna laughed. "You think I am here to destroy the Empire? Listen here, Jedi," she stepped closer. "I hate the Empire as much as everyone, but I don't fraternize with the Alliance either. You lot destroyed a Death Star and think the war is over?"

"The war is not over!" Luke finally glared back. He thought he'd notice darkness in Lorna as their eyes locked, but though she was angry and speaking her mind, her intentions remained pure, and herself, calm. "I am here to take care of this."

She indulged into that eye contact, since it's been too long from her last encounter with a blue sky. And Luke's eyes were so blue. Finally, she lowered her gaze and stepped back. "You're a bit too late for that."

"I heard about the city."

"But you didn't see it."

"You did?"

Their small exchange ended with Lorna sighing. She finally began lowering her stance and it culminated just then with her putting her blaster back in the holder on her belt. First, her answer came as a reluctant nod.

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