o5. distress signal..

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The Millennium Falcon was dusty, more than usual, but it smelt of the safety many would appreciate as home, or at least as a proof of a good adapting system to the sweat that has dripped on its floors. Han loved his ship, sometimes more than he'd love others or himself, but that loyalty to a craft that will soon be considered too old by many "cool" pilots, did not change his overall laziness or lack of time to schedule cleanings.

"There are cleaning ports on Coruscant with droids that do the work for you," Luke said. He noticed, mildly amused, how the dust has settled over the place where, technically, it all began.

Each corner he looked at held another memory of him, Han, Leia, Chewie, old Ben too... And now, Luke also had Lorna by his side: it felt good to have her there, in this tiny world, be it duty or not.

Obviously, most of the time now, it was just Han and Chewie. Too rarely did the Falcon carry more passengers so the pilot saw no necessity of cleaning more than once in a full moon rotation, by Coruscant time.

"Can the cleaning droids do you too, kid?" Han sniffed down on Luke's hair. Just a bit taller than him, though age was starting to get his back, Han has always picked on this height issue. "You're full of sand. And with these clothes... almost makes me think I am picking you up from Tatooine again."

"At least he doesn't smell like cheap Fizzbrew and sweat," Lorna rolled her eyes at Han.

"Princess," he nodded down at her in response, his eyes stopping on the new scar. "Did the honey moon not go as planned?"

Han tried to reach out and touch her forehead, but Lorna moved his hand away, "Me and Luke are simply giving you a run for your money with that Kessel Run record you are so proud of..."

"Are you now?" Han leant again the wall with his hip. He crossed his arms at his chest, embodying disbelief.

"Took down two TIE fighter fleets and outran two Star Destroyers with one X-Wing and a weaponless cargo ship," she narrowed his eyes at him.

Luke caught Han looking at him with pride, before his expression went back to a mild concern, masked by so many layers of trying to act like the unbreakable person he thought he needed to be. "And what's the scar from then if you two are so awesome?" Han looked back at Lorna.

"Just a rough landing," Luke assured Han, not exactly up for describing the technicalities of the thing that gave him nightmares the past days.

Chewie announced himself with a roar and then immediately scooped Lorna and Luke, together, for a hug. Han chuckled, watching the three that along with Leia and Lando, would pretty much make up the entirety of just how many people he could trust, sometimes.

Considering how loose the white clothes hanged on Luke, the momrnt Chewie let go of them, his shirt slipped off his shoulders completely. And Han noticed not his friend's sudden display of nakedness, but Lorna's quick and relaxed reaction of reaching out and pulling his shirt back together.

They were a bit closer to each other than last he saw them and to recognize that spark of love in their eyes was easily one of the warmest moments for Han. At least until Luke turned to him, embarrassed.

"Do you think I can borrow some clothes from you again, Han?"

"Are you sure you wanna risk your girlfriend complaining about how you smell too?" Han didn't miss his opportunity to tease back, watching Luke's blue eyes grow a little weider. Whether others noticed it too or not, he was still so innocent, for a Jedi Master.

Luke knew he loved Lorna and he felt ready to shout it from the top of his lungs. But he what he didn't expect was how hard it would be to admit his feelings to his friends too. It wasn't that he was embarrassed with Lorna, because he wad certain of her perfection, but more of a... worry, that his friends wouldn't all approve.

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