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Today me and Bryce are going to his family reunion and me being the girlfriend, I have to go but I don't want to. You see recently I have been feeling sick and throwing up recently and I didn't tell Bryce... and if I go to the family reunion I could possibly throw up on one of his family member

"come on babe go get ready" Bryce said for the hundredth time while walking out of our closet with some boxers and a button up shirt an is dress pants in his hands . "fine" I groaned out as I stomped into the closet. Putting on a simple fitted white dress and some air force sneakers, I walked back to the room to see Bryce putting on his watch. "see you look beautiful babe, nothing to fuss about" giving me a kiss on the lips we got everything we needed and head to his childhood house.

-----AT HOUSE-----

As we walked into the house, we heard a lot of laughter and chattering. walking into the backyard we saw Bryce's family . "Look who it is" his mom spoke loudly which caught everyone's attention. "hi Mrs. Hall" I greeted her as she pulled me into a hug. "y/n stop it with all the damn mrs. me mom.. I already told you that" letting out a little giggle she told us to take a seat as we talked to the others and wait for the food.

"here you go hunny" Bryce's dad said while handing me a plate.

"th-" before I could finish my sentence I was cut short as a disgusting taste left my mouth.

"om i'm so sorry, I didn't know I was going to throw up" I said frantically as I got up and tried to do something "ummm's fine I I will just go clean it up" he said while giving me a reassuring smile.

"babe are you okay" Bryce asked while coming from behind me and once again I wanted to throw up.

Running into the house, I made my way into one of their bathrooms and threw my stomach up.

"why didn't you tell me you were sick" I heard Bryce's voice from behind me as he held my hair in my ponytail.


we decided to leave the party since I ruined it, and now i'm in the bathroom sitting on the toilet with pregnancy test. Before we left, Bryce's mom gave me some test since she thought I could be pregnant.

"what does it say" looking at the test I saw a plus sign on all six of them.

"im pregnant" I cried into Bryce's arms. rubbing my back soothingly he placed his finger under my chin making me look up at him.

"hey it's okay i'm right here" he mumbled while placing a kiss unto my lips. "im going to be a dad, and you're going to be a mom..... we are going to have a little mini me or you running around"

looking up at him I gave him a short simple kiss in the lips

"I love you so much, i know that you are famous and you have all this fans....and when you told them i was your girlfriend they didn't like it so i was scared to me find out i was pregnant because they might hate me more'

'i don't care, this is our life and our baby"

letting out a sigh i rubbed my stomach with a small smile on my face

Im pregnant...

what do you guys think.....

I'm having a small pregnancy series do i hope you guys stay tune🖤

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