Baby (4)

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*𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬*

(1380 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬)

----six months pregnant

I'm now six months pregnant and these past few months has been very.. rough. I have been giving Bryce a very hard time and it makes me feel bad so today I'm going to try my best and not ask for anything. I'm currently in the laundry room putting some of the babies clothes to wash... oh also we are having a girl. I then felt the sudden craving of pizza but Bryce is in his game room playing games and I didn't want to disturb him...keep in mind that its night time. {yes I wash at night as well} walking back into my room I took one of Bryce's hoodie which covers my stomach and some sweats and grab the car keys. It took me about thirty minutes to get in the car and plus I had to re-adjust the seat since my stomach was squished between the wheel.

"okay here we go" since I haven't driven a car for 6 months I almost forgot how to control the wheel. I drove past a total of 3 pizza stores but all of them were closed so I hope I get lucky with this one. Just as I was about to pull up to the drive through since it was open my phone rang so I pulled up to the side. "hello who-" "Y/N ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT SO LATE AT NIGHT" I heard Bryce's voice yelled on the other side of the line which caught me off guard so me and my hormones got emotional " I I'm s sorry I I I was h hungry s so I c came out for pizza" I sobbed into the phone as I heard him sigh. "I'm sorry for yelling baby, but I thought the house was a little to quiet so I went to check up on you and seeing you gone I panicked and your pregnant so I didn't know if you and our princess was hurt"

"I'm sorry" I said quickly before hanging up since I was hungry and he was holding up the process of me ordering. Pulling up to the drive way I quickly took the box of pizza and took of my seatbelt before waddling inside the house to see a worried Bryce. "baby" I called out, his head then snapped in my direction as he quickly rushed over to me a knelt down in front of my stomach and giving it kisses as he stood up and kissed my lips. "why didn't you just come to me so I could get the pizza for you baby, what if something happened to you guys and I had to be lonely for the rest of my life when I could of had a beautiful daughter and wife.....huh?" he asked confused.

'W well I didn't want to keep on bugging you since I know I have been giving you a hard time, so I decided that from now on I will try to do things on my own" I whispered as the tears streamed down my face. "Baby I would never get tired of doing things for you knowing I get a very beautiful reward out of please don't do that again because instead of calling you I would of been calling the damn hospital since you almost gave me a heart attack" nodding my head with a little pout he kissed my lips "now since your hungry, lets go feed you and my princess"

---- seven months pregnant

I'm now seven months pregnant and after that little pizza incident Bryce doesn't let me do anything now.....and I mean literally nothing. for example: yesterday I was feeling for some cereal but I was upstairs at that time while me and Bryce was cuddling. So while I was getting up from the bed he gently pulled me back down and went for the cereal for me it's getting really annoying that's why me and him are now having an argument on who would go get me a glass of milk and a bag of chips. "Bryce I am capable on getting a bag of chips and a glass of milk" "no you're not...what if you throw the glass down and you step on it and while you're holding your leg you fall down and hit your stomach huh?.....or what if when you're getting the bag of chips which are on a high counter something can fall and hit you on her head which causes you to knock out"

"Can you stop with all of this, I'm not a fricking baby Bryce I can do things on my own" I groaned before attempting to get up from the bed..... "uuuh can you help me?" "O what bout ' I'm not a fricking baby Bryce I can do things on my own" he said while trying to sound like me... getting annoyed with his childish behaviour i held unto the night stand and forced myself up which took up some of my energy. Waddling to the door I heard Bryce sigh before he followed behind me. Holding the step rails, I sl0wley made my way down the stairs and into the pantry. "Lets see, Cheetos or Doritos" tapping my finger on my chin I watched as Bryce observed my every move before rushing over me as I stepped unto the small ladder. "you just don't listen do you" he groaned before taking both of the chips along with some candy, a bottle of water and soda. and we head back to the room.

---- eight months pregnant

I'm now eight months pregnant an in my opinion this is the month where I'm insecure.. I've been keeping my distance with Bryce and he trying to figure out why. I'm currently in the bathroom trying to put a crop top on but it cannot go on since my boobs got bigger which caused me to tear up and let out a sob. "baby what wrong" I heard voice boomed through the bathroom which scared. "n nothing" putting my head down in embarrassment I took the crop top of which left me in my bra and tried to get a hoodie from the drawer but I couldn't since it was a little low which caused me to let out another sob. "baby why are you crying?" "I 'm just fat and I I can't wear crop tops anymore" crying into his shirt he picked my up but I forced myself off.

"Noooo, don't I"m gonna break you in half and my baby needs a father" getting a groan in response , Bryce picked me up bridal style like I'm a feather and carried me to the room and sat me down on the bed. "baby I want you to listen to every word that is going to come out of my mouth, you are the most fucking beautiful person I have ever scene, no I'm not telling you this to just cheer you saying this because it's the truth...without you I wouldn't be happy as I am today, you mean everything to me baby, you you may not like the size you are now but that's because your fucking pregnant...we have our little princess in there and I know she doesn't wants you to talk like if I ever and I mean ever hear you talking about that again...I don't care if your eight months pregnant...i'm going to fuck you until you love yourself"

"And if I ever hear you talking about your belly fat and stretch marks we are going to have a big problem" by this time I was full on sobbing. "I love you so much" giving him a kiss on the lips, he took one of his hoodies and handed it to me as we lied in bed and watched movies.

I hope you guys enjoy this imagine, I have to say my writing has been improving so I hope you guys enjoy this one...the labour and epilogue will be soon but in the mean time I would like you guys to give me some ideas...🥺🖤🖤🤍

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