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*sorry for any mistakes*

[Labour Scene]

Me and Bryce are currently at the supermarket getting some groceries for the house and me being nine months pregnant we haven't even gotten half of our list since I'm walking pretty slow. As we stopped into the snack section I could practically feel myself drooling. "Hey baby can we get some Takis?" I asked with a big smile on my face "Baby you are pregnant and I don't want my baby coming out crying because her stomach hurts since her mom has been eating spicy chips" "But bay, I'm nine months pregnant and your 'princess' is about to come out any minute" I groaned out while stomping around in the isle like a two year old kid who just got there tablet taken away. "Fine" he groaned, I was about to give him a kiss on the cheek when I suddenly felt a heavy pain on my lower stomach followed by a sharp pain and water falling on the ground. "b-baby, m-my water broke" "Yh righ- holy shit" Quickly putting back the bag of chips in his hand he called out for one of the employees as I bend over in pain "s-sir I think you should take her to the hospital, she looks like she's in a lot of pain" The lady said to a panicking Bryce. " Yh, you're right" Feeling myself being pick up, I let out a groan in pain as I felt the weight went to my lower stomach.

"Hurry up you fucking idiot, I have a damn baby coming out of my vagina and you're out her driving like my damn fucking Granma" I yelled out at Bryce who seems to be having a hard time focusing on the road. "I know okay chill" .............did THIS bitch just tell me to chill "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TELLING TO CHILL, I HAVE A GOD DAMN BABY THAT'S ABOUT TO COME OUT MY PUSSY AND YOU'RE TELLING ME TO CHILL" I yelled while holding unto the care seat as the pain starts to get more intense. "okay okay were here calm- I mean come on let me get you out" glaring at him he helped me out and rushed me inside as the nurses rushed to get me into a wheelchair.

[skip the giving birth scene since you guys already know what happens]

"She looks just like you, I'm so jealous like I'm the one who had her In my stomach for nine months and then she comes out looking like you" putting a pout on my face which he kissed away he handed me back our daughter who's name was 'bryella Jamie hall". A while later all our family members Came to see her and we were discharged a few days later.


6 months
."hey mama" I said to my 2 month old daughter who was looking around wildly from her crib "hii" picking her up I gave a kiss on the lips as she snuggles her head into my neck as we made our way to check on her dad who was making dinner, I guess the cooking lessons paid of after all. "say morning dada" picking up her small hand I pretend that she was waving which caused her to giggle and talk in her baby language. "morning baby, morning my wittle pwincess" peppering her face in kisses which caused her to burst into a fit of giggles, he handed me a plat with pancakes and gave me her bottle with a small bowl of crushed fruits [don't worry it's very small so she can eat it]. "come on lets go give my baby some food since she's starving" Placing her down in her mini seat as I sat on the couch I fed her her crushed fruits then gave her her milk.

1 year

"Bryella" I yelled out in a singing voice as I walked through the front door. In under a few seconds I heard little feet waddling towards me from the kitchen. "MAMA' she yelled out as she fell on the ground since she just started walking but started to crawl after. "how's mommy's favourite girl in the world" letting out a cute giggle she started talking in baby language causing me to laugh as if I understand what she's saying. A few more seconds of our little talk I saw my very handsome husband walked out the kitchen shirtless with a pair of grey shorts which almost made me jump o him but I couldn't since......yah girl is pregnant again. After bryella turned 5 months Bryce proposed and on our honeymoon we conceived another baby, but this times it's a boy. "your lucky i'm pregnant or I would of been jumping on your sexy ass" pulling him into a kiss we had to be break apart since a little missy didn't like it. Pulling away we saw our little princess on the ground with a mad look on her face as she start to curse at us in babe language "no dada, no mama, noo" she yelled out while hitting our leg. Picking her up Bryce threw her in the air and caught her which caused her to go into a fit of laughter. "You don't want dad to kiss mama" shacking her head no we kissed both of her cheeks before placing her down so she could go back to playing. "I love you so much baby" giving him a kiss we went to the living room and watched some tv as bryelle played with her toys



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