Baby? (2)

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Bryce pov

After finding out that y/n was pregnant I couldn't be any happier, we told our parents the next week after we went to the doctor's office to clarify that she was actually pregnant. Everyone was happy especially my mom, but my dad was a little moody since he said and I quote 'I'm too young to be a grandpa' but overall everyone was happy. I'm currently at the store getting a few snacks and medication for y/n since the morning sickness is beating her ass, and she has a headache.

After paying for everything, I made my way back home to my beautiful baby momma.

Y/n pov

Getting up from my thirty minute nap, I searched the bed for Bryce, to realise he wasn't there. Letting out a groan I stated to feel nauseous so I rushed to the bathroom and emptied my stomach for the second time of the morning. Brushing my teeth I did my morning routine and went downstairs.

After making breakfast which was bacon and eggs with butter toast and some orange juice, I heard the front door open which caused me to get scared, so I took the frying pan and hid behind the counter. "babe I'm home" I heard Bryce's yelled which caused me to let out huge sigh .

Putting the pan down I walked out of the kitchen to see him standing with a bunch of bags. "hey" I said softly while wrapping my arms around his neck. "hey beautiful, what are you up too"... "well I just finished made breakfast-" "WHAT?" Bryce said while cutting me off "what? all I said was I was making breakfast" I spoke with confusion...

"yes and that's the problem, you could burn your stomach and our little baby" giving my stomach kiss, I let out a small giggle "but who is going to cook?" "me" opening my eyes in shock a wave of fear came over me. "baby, I love you I really do, but our baby needs a house to live in, and if I leave you responsible for cooking duties.... we wouldn't have a house" letting out a scowl Bryce pushed my arm softly.

"I'm not that bad" he retorted which caused me to let out a laugh. "oh really, the last time you cooked it was eggs and pancakes and it came out the same color as the fricking frying pan" l laughed out loudly.

Giving him a kiss, I helped him with the bags and cooked him some breakfast..

This is going to be one long pregnancy.

hello guys I hope you guys are enjoying this pregnancy series... if you guys have a specific thing you want me to write about just drop it in the request box.

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Byeeeeee love you guys {also plz go check out my social media book and show some support, I will appreciate it, }

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