Q&A- Instagram live

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-are you guys enjoying my book so far?

"Guys, I'm bored what do you want me to do" I spoke to the 4k people on my live, Me and Bryce was currently in the living room watching movies and I was getting bored so I decided to go live. "Give me some ideas in the comments" looking down at my phone screen I saw that my comments were going 61mph. "These comments are going so fast, I could barely read anything"

@inq_ hi

@soroisejade do a Q&A, let us ask you questions and you and Bryce answer them.

@Eat_A_Brick do a Q&A

@lovelybeetle Let's just appreciate how pretty y/n looks without makeup

@prettyboy Bryce is just there , say hi Bryce

@moonmakere hiii

"Soroisejade and Eat a Brick said that we should do a Q&A, so what I want you guys to do is flood my comments with questions and me and Bryce will answer as much questions as possible" setting up my phone on the small table in front of me, me and Bryce sat on the ground and looked for questions to answer.

@soroisejade What's the biggest lie you have told?

@Amandajules_ Have you committed any illegal act?

@Sorietyjames Are you in school atm?

@ho3z.com I killed my cat with hot oil today. {a/n= true story lol}

@Jalinjamarkz What is your fav song?

@itzaiden why are you so pretty?

Y/n] -'what's the biggest lie you have told'- "So I think the biggest lie I have told was to my Dad. I was in 6th grade at the time and my dad at that time didn't want me to be in contact with no boys whatsoever, for example- I had a history project with this dude and he made the teacher switched him with a boy but anyways we had a science project and I was pared with my crush, I was very excited but then my dad ran in my mind and I knew he would switch who my project mate with me , so me an my bestfriend decided that I should go over to her house to do the project with her partner instead of me going over to his house so my dad wouldn't be suspicious and it actually worked, because my dad came and asked me who my partner was and I told him it was Amy [random name] ..and up to this day he doesn't know"

[Bryce] -"My biggest lie was when I told you I love you- just kidding... my biggest lie I have told was when I was 14, I lied and told the store manager I was 18 so I could buy my first bottle of beer" Bryce laughed as the comments flooded with laughing emojis

[Y/n] "Next question is. Have you committed an illegal act?- yes I have, I was actually young and me and my mom was at the store and I asked her to buy me some gummy worms since that was the cool kids snack back then but she told me no, se when she was watching a took two small packs I hid them in my pocket"

[Bryce] "yes I did commit an illegal act and everyone know- and if you don't know well I sell drugs when I was 20.

@abyyy what is your body count

@jaredcolt would you be my girlfriend?

@ZIvarah Have you ever tried to take your own life?

@Bryce&Y/n did you guys ever did it on the kitchen counter?

@altoryburd I love youuu❤️🥺

@Brycey_ describe your first kiss

"Okay so I'm going to be answering two more questions then we are going to end the live since I'm hungry..okay so aby asked- what is our body count- well my body count is a number which I will not be sharing so I will let Bryce answer that"

"my body count is 3"

"oop okay"

"okay last question before we leave- Have you ever tried to take your own life?_ well I don't know if this counts but one time my mom gave me a hard ass whooping because I broke something and I locked myself in the bathroom and silently screamed saying I will kill myself...and I wrapped my arm around my throat and yh that's all I can remember.....what about you babe"

"nope never tried it and never will"

"so thank you guys for joining this live and asking us questions, we will see you guys next time...peace"

-live ended-

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