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*Short imagine*


So today me, Bryce and our 13 year old son are currently at the zoo that just opened approximately two weeks ago and we wanted too see how it is so we decided to check it out. We were currently checking out the alligators and I was tired so I took a seat on the little concrete wall which was in front of their pond. Bryce and Bryson was occupied in watching the owner feed the other alligators that they didn't realise that one was coming in my direction. I was about to run away when suddenly it chomped down unto my arm which caused my to let out a loud ear shrilling scream.


My and my son Bryson was currently watching the owner of the alligators feed them which was pretty cool, especially how hard their grip and chomp is on the meat.

Y/n wasn't with us at the moment since she said she was tired, but the moment I said I was going to check on her I heard her let out a loud scream, turning around I saw something that I never thought I would see in my 37 years of living. There was my wife with a bid as alligator chomping down on her arm "MOM" Bryson yelled while trying to run over to his mom, but they wouldn't let him. All the workers ran out from what there were doing and shot the alligator before raising my wife who looked like she was about to pass out. I watched as all the blood flowed from her body before the darkness consumed my body.

-time skip-

Opening my eyes I immediately closed it since I was met with a bright celling the hell did I reach here. "How- were am I?" "Dad, thank god your awake" I heard from besides me, looking over I saw Bryson with tears in his eyes while holding his mothers hands who was in the bed next to mines staring at me. "What happened again" I asked since I completely forgot?"

"well when mom got bit, you was staring at the blood and then you passed out and hit your head, and they called two ambulances and I stayed with mom since you would want me to and since she was in more pain and now here we are" Bryson explained while carefully laying beside his you can see he is a mams boy. "Are you okay?" y/n asked as I looked at her as if she was crazy. "What the hell are asking my if i'm okay for, you just lost 1/4 of your arm and I just have a slight concussion and your asking ME if I'M okay" I exclaimed which cause her to chuckle

We got discharged two days after, but Bryson went home with my mom since he couldn't sleep in, The doctor also told us that y/n will obviously have a scar but the skin will grow back.

-The end

𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now