Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, Dragons and other supernatural beings all exist. But now a new race had begun to rise. Creatures and monsters whose goals is to bring forth despair to the world and its people, they are called "Phantoms".
They a...
Outside the abandoned church, Y/n has parked the Machinwinger in an area with tree coverage as Kuroka, Raynare, Koneko and the rest of the ORC group other then Rias and Akeno had landed next to him, having flown above him towards the church or jumped over buildings and trees, mainly the two Nekoshous.
Y/n: So...
He started of as he readied his WizarSwordGun in gun mode.
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Y/n: How do you propose we should go with this?...
Yumi: Well, for starters... we could find a way to sneak in...
Before she could get another word in, however, Koneko walked right up the steps to stand in front of the church door. Kuroka slightly chuckling at her sister's bluntness.
Kuroka: Never mind about that... it seems Shirone-chan has decided for us, Nyaa...
Y/n and some others were slightly confused by this sentence until the small Rook punched the doors wide open. Everyone else other then Kuroka and Yumi just sweatdropped at the scene.
Viser: Well I doubt we could actually surprise them after what happened today... I suggest that Y/n-sama, Yumi-san, Koneko-san, Kuroka-san and Raynare-san goes ahead first... we shall deal with any backup that may try to enter through the front while you are inside...
Once all nodded in agreement, Y/n ran up the stairs with the selected others following after him, the devils of the ORC entering the church. Looking around, Y/n could not stop himself from comparing the current state to what he remembered from the few times he had been there as a child.
???: Well if it isn't the scum from last night!...
It was then came a familiar disgusting voice from the opposite side of the church near the altar. Out of the shadows stepped Freed, looking as good as crazy carrying a new gun and sword.
Freed: Looks like the boss was right, you really did come... now I can finish you off easily!...
The madman cackled.
Y/n I pushed you back with a bad leg and you think I'll be defeated when I'm in good condition and know your tricks?... I think I can see why you got exiled... not only are you an idiot, but you also ruin Churches just by being in them...
Freed: You still mocking me?!...
Freed yelled disbelievingly as he charged towards the group.
Y/n: Let me think about that...
Y/n said as he pretended to think while scratching his head with the barrel of his gun. Right when Freed jumped into the air, Y/n pointed his weapon at him and answered.
Y/n: Yes, yes I am...
With that he fired off several bullets straight at the airborne opponent. Freed tried blocking with his arm but it seemed like he either forgot or did not realise that Y/n's bullets could curve as, once again, his own holy gun was shot out of his hands and made useless.