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After helping the reunion between Kuroka and Koneko, and talking about what his been doing for the last 6 months, Y/n thought they were done for the talk for today until Sona then told him that he should consider going back to school.

Akeno: I think its a good idea for you to return to learning back at Kuoh, after all... the school really do miss their King, hehehe...

Rias: I agree with her... since your apart of my peerage, you could join up with us in the ORC... and the students do miss you dearly...

Tsubaki: And it would be a logical choice so you could continue with your education as well...

Sona: So how about it... will you return to school?...

Cause Y/n was in deep in his thought due to thinking about the pros and cons of accepting this offer, Kuroka brought him back to the present when she spoke.

Kuroka: It may be good for you, Nyaa...

Y/n: Really?... are you sure?... but what about the Phantoms...

Raynare: I agree with her too, Y/n-sama...

Hearing her new way of speaking surprised Y/n, but he left it to discuss about it with her later.

Hearing that from her fellow familiar got Kuroka to nodd her head as she said.

Kuroka: See, Nyaa... plus, then you would be doing something productive and actually meaningful then just being stuck here at home, Nyaa...

Y/n: But what about you two?... What if something were to happen to you, I want to keep the two of you by my side...

Hearing such a thing got the two human-type familiars to blush while some of the other girls looked over at the two with... jealousy? Seeing that he's "familiars" were his deciding factor, Sona then made a suggestion.

Sona: If you want them to stay with you, they could also join the school as well...

This got everyone surprise while Y/n was the most shock but was the first to ask.

Y/n: Are you sure?... you believed that the two of them were your enemies...

Sona: Yes, that may have been the case... but seeing how they are under your protection, it would be a win for all of us if they were to join the school with you so that you can take care of them and continue your education...

Once he thinks all of this over, Y/n made his decisions.

Y/n: Alright, my decision is...

This then got everyone's anticipation as he then finally answers.

Y/n: Yes, I will rejoin the school...

Hearing this brought smiles upon all the Devil's faces as Y/n then turns to Kuroka and Raynare and asked the two.

Y/n: What about it, you two?... do you two want to join the school too?...

The two then answered without a thought of hesitation.

Raynare: Sure, as long as I can stay by your side...

Kuroka: Why not, Nyaa... it gets boring staying here at home and if I join the school, I could see my Shirone more often...

She then turns and grabs her little sister into another hug, with Koneko reciprocating in return.

Sona: With that the case then, I'll get started on the paperwork... however, while you L/n-kun may have a name, what about the other two?...

Raynare: I actually have a human disguise under the name of "Yuuma Amano"...

Kuroka: Ooh... and if it's fine with Shirone, can I go under the name of Kuroka "Toujou"...

The Hopeful Mage of Devils (Kamen Rider Wizard X High School DxD) HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now