Hours after the battle, Rias found herself waking up in Sona's mansion on the couch in one of the living rooms. Getting up, with slight difficulty, she noticed that her peerage, as well as Sona and Tsubaki, were there, and all of them immediately noticed her waking up and rushed to her side.After assuring them she was fine, she sat on the couch with Akeno sitting next to her while Yumi and Koneko stood behind them with Sona and Tsubaki sitting on another couch facing them while holding the file.
Though she said she was fine, Rias noticed that her demonic energy had decreased after yesterday's events. It was still there and it seemed like it would recover with time and rest, but the fact that there was a drop in the first place made her concerned as well as curious about the condition she had been in yesterday.
However, she decided to keep this little fact to herself. As Rias drank some tea, the other 5 described the battle they had witnessed.
Sona: Thankfully, Soma-kun put out the fire before the building actually burned down...
Sona mentioned after the description was over.
Sona: Grace's room was undamaged... It's mostly thanks to the demonic enhancements on the building... but it will take a while to fix... that being said...
She then got a disconcerted look on her face.
Sona: It's actually surprising that the monster was able to even set the building on fire, much less do as much damage as it actually did... had it not been for Soma-kun's quick thinking and action, despite the risk of doing so in the middle of battle, it could have been much worse...
Akeno: But that's not all...
Akeno suddenly said said.
Akeno: Though he did not use it, I could detect the power of the Lightning element flowing through him... That makes a total of 5 elements that he can use...
Rias: Are you certain Akeno?...
Rias questioned her friend. She was especially concerned with the 5th element being Lightning, an element usually associated with those who used holy powers.
Yet, Y/n did not seem to be a warrior for the church or fallen angels for his magic seemed to be neutral, and he definitely did not realize that they were devils, even after being in direct contact with Rias's mind, which is what they all concluded he did with the Engage spell.
Rias then thought to herself.
Rias (Inner thoughts): Then again... If anyone could detect an affinity for Lightning, it would be Akeno due to her heritage...
It was Sona who then responded.
Sona: It's true Rias. I too detected those five elements... however, it still doesn't make sense...
Akeno nodded in agreement.
Akeno: It take years for a master of magic to control the power of four elements, even more for five... yet he had complete control over it... not only that, but it almost seemed like he had an even greater power in him... the only possible answer I can come up with is that he has a mystical creature of some sort living inside of him...

The Hopeful Mage of Devils (Kamen Rider Wizard X High School DxD) Hiatus
FanfictionDevils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, Dragons and other supernatural beings all exist. But now a new race had begun to rise. Creatures and monsters whose goals is to bring forth despair to the world and its people, they are called "Phantoms". They a...