14 deja vu

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"Bam, ba da dun dum bum, ba da bum ba-"

Jisung groaned as his alarm went off, quickly getting up to turned off the ringing device. Swiping out of the alarm app to see that is was four-thirty in the morning, he sighed. Great, only three hours of sleep. He was up all night thinking about his decision last night. Me, the one and only Han Jisung, accepted a job offer from Lee fucking Minho. He ran his hands through his hair and sighed again. What have I done.

With it being five in the morning, Jisung- as usual- was the first to arrive, aside from his manager. Bowing, greeting his manager, he headed to the back and changed into the Cafes uniform; a white button-up, followed by black pants, with a brown apron wrapped around his waist. Tying a small knot at the back, he heard the bell chime, indicating that his day had officially begun. Putting a fake smile, he greeted the customer. 

"Hi welcome to In Life cafe, what can I get you today?"

"Hi can I get a large iced americano, with extra ice?"

"Sure" Jisung entered the order on the tablet. "Will that be all?"

The women nodded. 

"Your total is $6.49, will you be paying by cash or card?"


And then the cycle repeats until three hours gone by, indicating that his shift at the cafe has ended. Going to the back room once again, he changed out of his uniform and back into his clothes. Bidding his coworkers a farewell and a small "good luck" for their shift, he headed towards his university. Nearing the front gates, he felt someone grab the back of his bag, getting pulled into an alleyway. 

This is deja vu all over again.

Jisung stared at the man in front of him, trying to figure out where he's seen him before. The man was oddly familiar with facial features strikingly similar to him.

"Pete- Jisung," The man said in between pants. "You're in trouble."

"Who-" Before he could finish, he finally registered who the male in front of him was. "OH MY GOD- Brian hyung! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Busan?"

"As much as I want to stay and chat- we don't have the time for that," Brian placed his hands on Jisung's shoulders, giving them a small squeeze. "They found out."

"Who found what ou- No..." Jisung stepped back a little, not wanting to believe the news. "You're lying- there's no- how."

"You know how they work. If they can't electronically trace you, they'll use another method. I'm sorry I couldn't keep them away from Korea for as long as you hoped. I wish I could stay and help, but they know we worked together, and it'll be dangerous if they catch us. I need to go. My flight departs in half an hour."  Brian sighed, not wanting to leave. "Sung, you need to be careful. I listened into their conversation- they know everything about your new identity. Where you go to school to where you live..." 

"I rather have you play a cruel joke on me than this," Jisung bit his lips with anxiety building up. 

"I really wish I was here to play a prank on you but this is reality. But hey, at least you've kept your distance from people, right?" 

"About that..."

"Jisung! You know that you shouldn't-"

"I KNOW! I know," Jisung cried in frustration. "It wasn't my intention but one thing happened after another and I can't just leave them hanging!" 

"You know what you have to do," Brian reminded before leaving. 

Watching the person he called family walk away, he slid down, hands pulling out any hair strands they could grasp. They won't do anything to them, would they? Who am I kidding- they're going to do something to them without a doubt. What am I going to do?!

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