27 honey

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what the hell y'all?! I think Wattpad is broken because yesterday this story was #1 in Chan and today its #1 in stray kids, like how?! tysm 😭 

Jisung was peacefully sleeping. No dreams or scenarios going through his head while it shuts down. But it all crumbled when he heard something buzz. He groaned, hating how the one time he was able to knock out, it lasted for a couple of hours. After hearing a device go off for the fourth time, he opened his eyes, feeling around the nightstand for his phone. Opening it, he tapped on the messaging app.

cafe manager☕️

Hey Jisung, I know it's your day off but can you come in today?

Is something wrong?

Haechan suddenly came down
with a cold and you're the only
person that I can really rely on.
I'm really sorry for asking you to
come in, when it's your day off ><

Ah, it's okay. I'll be there in 30.

Omg ty ty ty! You're the best
Jisung! I'll give you a whole
week off as a ty :)

hfhfohoidf there's no need!

Nope as cafe manager, I'm
granting you a week off
whenever you ask. It's the least
I can do!

But I'm only missing one day off.
There's no need for a whole week!

Don't care, bye!


I can't believe she left me on seen! Jisung shook his head, shutting off the phone. Placing the cell down, he threw the covers off himself and swung his legs over the bed. About to stand up, he felt something hugging his waist. Looking down at the pair of arms, he mentally face palmed himself, forgetting that he crashed at the Elite's house. Jisung tried his best to pry out of Minho's arms without waking him up. But to his defeat, he hugged him tighter.

"Darling?" Minho mumbled half asleep.

"Morning." Jisung gave him a small smile.

Minho opened his eyes halfway. "Why are you up? It's six in the morning."

"My boss from the cafe texted me to come in today."

"What? Why? Isn't it your day off?" Minho hugged me even tighter, putting one of his legs on top of Jisung's.

"It is, but one of the workers caught a cold and-"

"So?" Minho pouted, still half asleep. "Your boss can ask someone else."

Jisung continued to pry the older's arms off. "Min, I already told her that I'll be going and I need to be there in half an hour."

"I don't care!" Minho whined, refusing to let go. "You're shopping with your friends later and have a mission tonight. You need rest!"

"Min, I need you to let go. I'll be fine." Jisung tried to reassure Minho.

"NOooooOOOoo." Minho whined like a five year old.

How is he older than me?

"I'll call you whatever you want me to for the day if you let me go." Jisung paused. "Just to be clear, I'm not calling you daddy. But if I remember correctly, you're too fond of that kink. Thank god," He mumbled the last line to himself.

darling // minsungWhere stories live. Discover now