03 lunch

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Switching up their original plans, they are now on the rooftop for lunch. As everyone started to settle down, Felix started to scream the moment he opened his phone.


Seungmin flinched at the sudden outburst. "What the hell Felix?"

"Why are you screaming?" Jisung asked. 

"Why? You, out of all people, are asking why?!" Felix dramatically gasped. "You should know the answer to that!"

"Can someone please tell me why I'm getting yelled at?" Jisung sighed as he took a bite from his sandwich.

"He's just overreacting," Jeongin replied. "Rumor has it that you had the guts to yell at Minho and better yet, slap him."

"And that someone is you," Seungmin finished the sentence off.

Jisung decided to play dumb. "And you came to that conclusion from? It could be anyone in this school." 

"Don't try to act dumb! There's a video," Felix waved his screen in the air.

Jisung's eyes widened, "WHAT?!" He grabbed his bag and rummaged through it until he found his phone. Opening the viral post, he face-palmed himself. Fucking hell?! Who records someone without their permission? They could have at least recorded this at a better angle- this angle makes me look like shit! With a huff, he angrily shut his phone off.

"Care to explain what happened in that little video there?" Felix raised a brow. 

Jisung could only groan at his friend's comment. "I was trying to get to class when this crowd was blocking the only exit. Words and a glare were exchanged and now we're here." 

"What did you say to make Minho pin you against the wall though?" Seungmin couldn't help but ask since the audio from the video was disoriented. 

"And what did you do to make him kiss you?" Jeongin innocently asked. 

Jisung's eyes widened as his face flushed red at the younger's question. "I- first of all, there was no kissing happening! It's just the angle," He then turned towards Seungmin. "He kept calling me darling and from there I snapped." 

"HOLD UP, WHAT?!" Felix screeched. "Like your inner devil came out kind of snap? Or?" 

"Inner devil?" Jisung scratched his head, uncertain. "Why?"

"Did he say anything afterward? Threaten you or anything? Hit you? Wait don't answer the last question- if he did you wouldn't be walking right now-" Felix bombard his roommate with questions.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Jisung questioned.

"Just answer me!" Felix demanded.

"Someone's on their period today." Seungmin joked.

"I agree," Jisung laughed at the joke. "I don't quite remember what he said. Something about watching my attitude and him holding himself back. Something along those lines."

"So he didn't threaten you or anything? Like watch your back or you sleep with one eye open?" Felix tried to confirm something. 

"Nope, nothing," Jisung answered. "Now, can you tell me why it matters?" 

"For someone who's on a scholarship and has honors, you're quite dumb," Seungmin pointed out. "Look, Minho isn't someone you snap at. Talkback, and you'll end up at the hospital. If you're lucky, you'll end up with an injury instead. But in your case, I'm surprised you're walking on two legs with both your arms intact."

Words were going in one ear and out another. Jisung could only look at the dandy boy with utter confusion plastered on his face. "You didn't even know who he was a few hours ago. How did you manage to gather all of that information in a short amount of time?"

"Don't doubt my skills when it comes to information," Seungmin defended himself. "I heard stories and rumors about Minho. Never tried to figure out the face within those rumors."

"I'm still not following," Jisung admitted. 

"Just think of it this way, Minho is the king and you're a peasant. You never go against the King and his demands," Jeongin chimed in. 

"That's a whole different story. The monarch rules the entire country. Of course, you don't talk back to the King! But we're talking about Minho, and as far as I know, he's no King. He's a human being like the rest of us. Just because he's rich and has good looks doesn't mean I'll treat him like royalty." 

"He does have a point," Seungmin agreed. "Could you at least try to listen to us? I don't normally believe in rumors but something about him doesn't sit right with me."

Jisung sighed in defeat. "Alright, I'll listen to you guys but only because Seungmin asked. But if he approaches me first, I'm going to do whatever I want."

The three friends could only sigh, knowing that they can't stop him. After the whole conversation, they all sat in comfortable silence. Either finishing up an assignment or scrolling through their phones. When it was time for their next lecture, they parted ways with their roommate to their respective class. 

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