01 introductions

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"I can't believe I raised a son like you!"

"You're disgusting."

"You're joking right? This is a joke right? Please tell me that you're joking... You can't... you're not... you're not ga-"

Jisung slowly opened his eyes at the sound of his alarm, staring at his ceiling. Again? He sighed as he turned around to check the time. It was six in the morning and the male decided to get up and get ready for the day. Heading into the washroom, he brushed his teeth, and did whatever you could possibly do in the bathroom. When he finished, he tried being as quiet as possible but he still managed to wake his roommate up. 

"Why are you up so early? School doesn't start until 8:45." He said in low and raspy tone.

"Body alarm," Jisung lied. "Sorry for waking you. I have a shift at the cafe so I'll meet you up at the canteen for breakfast. Seungmin and Jeongin will probably come over so make sure to wake up before then. 

"It's so early in the morning- do you have to work at this time? You didn't come home until two in the morning. I swear I see you everywhere. Isn't it unhealthy to be working so much? Can't you just let me pay more than half for the rent? I don't want you to keep overworking yourself and-"

"Felix, stop right there. How many times do I have to repeat myself and remind you that I'm not letting you do any of that. I could care less as to how rich you are. If I have two arms and legs, and the requirements to work, I will work," Jisung made his argument while putting his shoes on."

"Alright, fine! But if get sick or faint from overworking, you bet your ass that I'm paying all the bills."

The squirrel boy was about to protest but the freckled boy immediately stopped his roommate. 

"You better not say that you're a burden and I could care less if you feel bad. You're none of that and I don't want to hear any of your lame excuses. Speaking about excuses, if you excuse me, I'm going to go back to sleep. Say one word and interrupt my beauty sleep and you're going to get it."

The latter could only sigh and bid his friend goodbye before he left their flat.

Arriving on campus, Jisung managed to find his friends relatively easily. Noticing that they were obsorbed in their little conversation, he decided to scare them. Quietly sneaking up on the three, he ran up, pushing one of them slightly causing one of them to jump. 

"Did you guys hear about- OH MY FUCK! JISUNG!" Felix screamed.

"That's me," The said male laughed as they all made their way to the canteen.

Entering the noisy building, it was crowded with students socializing with one another as they tried to eat or cram last night's homework. Thankfully, the four were able to find a table fairly quickly. Placing their bags down, Jisung fished out his wallet, taking out five dollars and handing it to Felix. 

"Could you get me some pancakes and apple juice?"

The male hummed, grabbing the money, heading towards a food stall with Seungmin and Jeongin following along. Few minutes later, the group were calmly eating, talking to each other until they heard sequels all over the building. Wondering what the commotion was about, they all avert their attention towards a group of males entering the canteen. 

It's just four boys. Why the hell are people screaming over them? Jisung pondered, keeping his eyes on one particular male. 

"Did I miss the first day of school or did they just transfer here?" Jeongin asked.

Felix couldn't help but smirk at the youngest's comment. "Looks like I know something none of you guys don't," He celebrated, finally being able to teach his friends about something. "Those four over there are called the elites. Or well, that's what everyone in this school likes to call them. I'm quite surprised that none of you guys have heard of them. Besides you Innie, you just enrolled here."

"I never knew stalking was a requirement in this school," Seungmin raised a brow.  

"It's not stalking," Felix dramatically placed a hand over his hand. "It's called resources! Now take out your notebooks and pencils! Let's start off from the eldest and work our way down to the youngest. That buff guy in the blue oversized sweater with glasses is Christopher Bang Chan. Most people call him Chan and sometimes Chris. He's twenty three and the nicest one of the group. An aussie like me and the president of the student council. The guy wearing all black besides that stripped button up, with earbuds on is Lee Minho. Twenty-two years old, who's known for his cold appearance. With that in mind, he's the hardest to approach within the group. 

The one next to him is Seo Changbin. Twenty-one and known for his dark aura. Don't let his height fool you cause that man can pact a hefty blow. And finally, we have Hwang Hyunjin, twenty years-old. Known for his princely looks, long hair, fashion sense, and being one of the flirtiest playboy you'll ever see. As their name suggests, they are all known for their looks and social class. All of them belong to one of the biggest companies or franticness out there."

"Lix how can you remember all of that in detail but can't retain any historic dates or math formulas?" Seungmin couldn't help but ask. 

"Let me ask you this- would you rather remember something interesting or boring?" 

"Interesting," The male replied back.

"And my point," Felix smiled. "This is far more interesting than some lousy dates and numbers." 

Jeongin nodded in agreement. "He has a point."

Seungmin hummed, "If you can put this much effort into studying, you could have been passing with honors instead or nearly passing. But that's not my problem," He dismissed the topic as he checked the time on his phone. "Let's go, we have five minutes until class starts and I rather not be late to Professor Viotto's class."

The three shudder at the latter's comment and quickly gathered their stuff, not forgetting to throw away their waste into the trash bins when they left. 

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