9 End

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Marcus sat by Reena's bed in the medical ward. He still felt guilty about ordering the move that helped to put her in there, but he was even more angry and disgusted by that horrible doctor.

Tech told him that there was a chance her abilities had been taken away now. That element X component was in all of their blood and DNA. He explained that was how all of them had their abilities from the blood tests he had been running on all of them. Reena's blood had fewer components than any of them before, but now it was almost nonexistent.

He saw that some of the flowers Lorenza brought her had wilted completely. She had been in that bed for two weeks. She was still hooked up to oxygen tanks and IV drips.

As far as he knew, her family hadn't come to visit. The only ones who visited her were the Heroics team, and their director.

"Come on, Reena. Please pull through," he begged.

"She will, hijo. I just know it. You gotta give her time," Anita spoke up. (Son)

"Pero mamá, ha estado dormida durante dos semanas," Marcus replied. (But mom, she's been asleep for two weeks.)

"Y su corazón solo se ha vuelto más fuerte," Anita wisely said. (And her heart's only gotten stronger.)

"I know, mom, but... what if she doesn't," Marcus finally voiced his fears.

"Ella lo hará. No creas que no sé que has estado aquí todo el día durante varios días," Anita spoke comfortingly. (She will. Don't think I don't know that you have been here all day for several days.)

"What are you saying?" he said exasperatedly.

He was too tired for this.

"I'm saying, hijo, that you need to do something about this. You haven't slept, haven't eaten-," she started.

"I ate cereal this morning," he interrupted.

"Don't interrupt your madre!" Anita scolded, "I was saying you need to make a decision about your feelings for her!"

"What feelings?" he asked.

"Marcus, you need to decided that for yourself, pero sé que harás el correcto para los dos," Anita smiled at him before leaving to his thoughts. (But I know you will make the right one for the both of you.)

Reena blinked open her eyes to see where she was. On one side she saw a small table with some fresh flowers on them, a small stuffed elephant, and small brown long box. It was about the same size of a necklace case, but there were a few different colored buttons and lights attached. Next to it was a small blue stoned bracelet.

"Wa... wa," she tried, but her voiced was so dry.

It hurt to breath she suddenly realized suddenly with a panic.

"Hey.. hey. Here, you go," Marcus handed her a cup of water.

He gently pulled her oxygen mask off of her. She didn't need it, but the staff had left it on her as an extra measure to help her breath.

He helped her to hold the cup to her mouth and get a drink.

"Thanks, Marcus," she rasped out.

He put the cup down and stood next to her bed then.

"No problem," he gestured over to the stuff, "Those flowers came from Lorenza, but they wilted so they're replacements. The plush came from Tech-No. He said you liked elephants. That box there is a new staff. It comes with a few modifications and stuff from the Heroics team. You'll love to try it out."

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