13 Baby

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Reena was starring down the pregnancy test multiple times. She wasn't sure what was happening, but she wasn't sure how to think or feel.

It was without a doubt positive.

Marcus was at work saving the world while she had stayed behind for a tummy ache and sickness.

The pregnancy tests were a "gift" from Anita for their wedding anniversary. It was incredibly awkward to open up, and Marcus had almost passed out at that notion.

She didn't know why she decided to try the rest except she had realized that her birth control was out of date, and that she didn't get it renewed in time.

This was the effect of that. Get those things replaced on time.

When she heard the front door to their apartment open up, she quickly scrambled to hide the pregnancy tests from him.

"Reena?" he asked and opened the door, "Are you okay?"

He took a step closer and realized she had tears running down her face.

"Reena! You're crying," he grabbed onto her and cradled her into his arms.

"Am I?"

She didn't even know she was.

"What's wrong?"

"Marcus...I'm... We're... I'm pregnant," she basically shoved it at him.

He looked blankly at her before looking down at the test in her hands.

He grabbed the device and brought it closer to his eyes. Surely his eyesight was really going now, but nope, she wasn't wrong. She never was, was she?

"We... we're... we... are... you... baby," he stuttered out.

He looked broken.

Reena was worried she'd broken him.

Then he smashed into her with a deep kiss.

"We're gonna have a baby together," he said growing a bit more confidence to say it.

He wrapped his arms around his wife and lowered onto the bed and snuggled up next to her. He gave her neck a kiss.

"I'm taking off tomorrow," he stated.

"Why would you do that? I'm the pregnant one."

"We're going house shopping, querida. We live in a one bedroom apartment. You might be fine living with a baby, but I'm gonna need some space," he said. (Dear.)

That made sense. It wasn't like they couldn't afford it. It was just neither of them wanted to deal with a bigger space when it was just the two of them working long hours.

"Okay," she agreed and kissed him agin.

Both of them were gleefully happy with the other.

"What foods do you have to avoid again?" Marcus asked.

"This list sounds like basically everything," Reena groaned while looking at the list of things to avoid while pregnant.

Marcus took a look at the list too. He also had a hard time deciphering it.

"No coffee," he nodded, "Seafood, undercooked meats, undercooked eggs, unpasteurized dairy, deli meats, raw sprouts..."

Reena walked beside him while he pushed the shopping cart, or more like used his powers to move the shopping cart, down the store aisle. They were getting started on picking up some things for her pregnancy.

"You know what. Let's just think on this after we look at some houses," Marcus nodded to himself.

Yep, he could think more on how to keep his pregnant wife healthy because right now, that list had brought him lots more anxiety.

"By the way, if I have to avoid certain foods that I like then you have to too," Reena narrowed her eyes at him, "I'm not suffering through the bad parts alone."

"Of course not, querida. I'll be right there with you," Marcus forced a smile at her.

He did not want to give up coffee or his other foods, but he couldn't deny that it would be horrible of him to parade those things in front of her. Maybe he could drink coffee when she wasn't around, but she always knew what he was up too, so that wouldn't work out anyway.

The realtor was blabbering on and on about the moldings or something and the other while her and Marcus walked down the hallways of the house.

It was actually a grand house to her insistence that they stay small, but Marcus was more than happy to fit the bill. He was really going for it. This whole family life thing.

"I think this is a mansion, Marc," she whispered to him.

"No, this is the same type of house I grew up in," he insisted.

"What do we need five bedrooms for?"

"For the four kids we're gonna have."

"I'm only pregnant with one baby, and we're really early," she warned him, "Might not anything."

"Could still be something. What if we find out it's twins?" he countered, "Or triplets? or quatu-lets(?)?"


"Then we're gonna need five bedrooms," he nodded.

"Marc, you're definitely not listening to me."

"What about this: one bedroom for us, one bedroom for my mom, one bedroom for the baby, and one bedroom for when you're so mad you kick me out, plus one for a guest?" he turned to her.

"How about we convert one into an office, and I'll think about it?" she gave in.

She was an absolute pushover when it came to him. He was giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"Perfect," he grinned.

Who's gonna clean this house? What about the electric bill? How much more money would this cost?

"And we have a pool in the backyard?" Marcus asked the realtor.

"Yes, sir. A lovely saltwater pool," the woman answered.

Marcus grinned at her.

"Marc, we don't know how to take care of a pool."

"We'll have Tech built us a robot for that. He has one."

"It's a good thing you're cute," Reena patted him on the cheek.

"I didn't hear a 'no', honey," he shouted out since Reena and the realtor walked off from him.

Marcus ran after his wife who was overlooking the kitchen again. It was a more modest piece in relation to the house. He knew she was picturing what their future would look like. He could see it. His Reena coming down the stairs from the bedroom, him cooking omelets in the morning, and his baby girl running in from the pool outside. He had a perfect view of the backyard from where he stood.

This was it. He knew it was, and he knew that she did too.

"Fine, but we convert the other bedroom into a library," she conceded.

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