20. Lost a Hero: Part 1

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Here's the real next chapter to the tale. Here's what I originally was gonna post as the next chapter.

Reena's small class had finally grown into the full sized one. All the current Heroics' kids were there except for Missy and Guppy, Sharkboy and Lavagirl's four year old.

Wildcard was the current leader of the bunch. He pretended to dislike everything, but he secretly tried really hard to get things right. He still had a hard grasp at his powers, but she surmised it was because his body was channeling so many things at once. It was shutting down his commands and pumping something else out.

A Capella, whom she nicknamed Ace because Vox gave her a really long name, was already burning through countless songs. It was hard to keep her supplied with new music that was age appropriate. She was currently going through a collection of 90s music. She had the most control on her abilities at the current moment.

Wheels was zipping around the class room at top speed. He had long abandoned the remote controlled chair in favor of one he pushed around by hand. He was getting used to using his super strength and building up his bone density more.

She had a hard time getting him new tech because he was hacking it at even a faster rate. Super strength and super brains. Miracle Guy really had a miracle son. She was thinking of getting Tech to take over teaching him when they burned through all the rest of the school level things like history and literature.

The next were the Twins of Red Lightning Fury and Crimson Legend. They caused her lots of grief in their toddler days.

Fast Forward was the older one by a few minutes, and she could speed things up. She was constantly bored, so she was always moving things forward. It took her months to figure out a plan to get her learning. She had to change her schedule every single day, so that she could keep her on her toes.

Rewind was the younger one, and he could replay time. If she didn't keep track or keep her wristlet working, she could spend the whole day doing same thing over and over again. Believe her, she had done it a few times when she was too tired to remember to turn it on doe the day.

Both of them fought all the time. She had to separate the two across the class, and some days those weren't enough. They definitely got their personally from their parents who fought constantly.

Facemaker was the class clown and troublemaker at large. He would change his body too, and she kept mistaking him for the others. He would do this to avoid a subject he didn't like which was all of them.

Yep, her wristlet was on at all times except during Heroics lessons, and she made sure they were at the end of the day or all day. She was certain the kids would mess with her if she started the day without her ability blocker on and tried to make them do math.

Noodles was an interesting one as well. He could twist and pull his body in all sorts of weird ways. He was good buddies with Facemaker, but he could be quite gullible. He was always loosing bets to Crushing Low's son.

Slow Mo, she called him Moe, was a good student. She felt bad for him because he was inputing at a normal speed and range, but his output was at a slower speed. He seemed to be in a time warp where in retaliation of his super speed, he affected everything around him to be super slow.

Her wristlet actually helped with that a bit, but he was so powerful even that wasn't a full proof method anymore. She would need to see if Tech could make a stronger one.

They currently had a new member of the Heroics management team who's daughter had  joined the class too. She was called Ojo, and she didn't talk too much. Her mother said that she only communicated through a tablet, but she managed to get her to try crayons or paint. She was a fabulous artist. She could draw almost anything.

The only thing was that Ojo apparently had a disorder, so Reena had to get Tech to program her wristlet to not format to the child. It was odd, but she wasn't gonna risk her safety over it.

"Coach Autumn, I need to see you in my office," Ms. Granada called through the call link.

Reena made her way over to the office.

"Ms. Granada?"

"Hello, I have a special request for you to do a mission for me," Granada spoke.

"Shouldn't you run that by Marcus? He's the leader," she suggested.

"Yes, but this is the utmost security," Granada argued.

"But I'm not going on a mission without my husband's approval," she narrowed her eyes.

She didn't need Marcus's approval for anything, but she had been getting a weird vibe from this woman and her daughter, not to mention one of the Presidential nominees.

"We'll get his approval as soon as possible, but you need to leave now," Granada insisted.

"I'm not going anywhere," Reena brought her hand to her utility belt.

She may have become a coach/teacher, but she was still a member of the Heroics who was fully trained and qualified.

"I believe you are," Granada flicked a switch on her desk.

The lights instantly went out, and Reena was grabbed from behind. She kicked and threw off her attacker.

She pulled her staff out and began to smash it into another assailant.

"Nice try," Granada smirked.

Reena was suddenly wrapped up in slimy tentacles.

"I'm sorry, but you are truly needed for this mission to work," Granada said and sprayed her with a substance which knocked out the woman.

Reena woke up in a very purple and blue room. It was brightly colored and in odd gooey looking shapes.

"I'm so glad you're awake, Coach?" a small voice called out.

"Ojo?" Reena blinked open her eyes.

The girl didn't talk as far as she was aware, but now she had tentacles and was talking.

"I'm sorry to this, but it is extremely important that you are not around for this," Ojo said seriously.

"Not around for what?"

"The takeover. You're the only one that can stop it," Ojo explained, "So you have to be taken out of the equation."

"What? No! Ojo!" Reena jumped up.

"I'm so sorry, Coach," Ojo said monotonously.

"No! What about my daughter, Missy? Marcus? They need me!" Reena went to tackle the girl or whom looked like a girl.

A large claw came out of the ceiling and clamped down on Reena's arms.

"No! Please! My daughter needs me! Missy needs me! Marcus! Help!"

Reena was screaming as the claw pulled back into a casing looking tube.

A gas producing mask fell down and wrapped around Reena's face. She felt her body get heavy, and eventually everything went dark.

Ojo looked at the unconscious woman in the tubing. She would be put into a cryogenic like state until the time came that the mission was finished.

"Is everything according to plan, Supreme Leader?"

"Yes," Ojo monotoned, "We are in motion."

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