15 Baby Part 3

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Marcus was cuddled up with his lovely wife on their couch. He was feeding her popcorn as they watched his favorite sci-fi movie. He loved the laser sword fights.

He rubbed her belly gently. It was swollen with his baby girl, and probably lots of omelets too. Her due date was any day from yesterday.

He was so happy to have her for support and to support her. He couldn't imagine doing this by himself. He was ready to stick his sword into Doug for doing this to Vox. She definitely deserved better.

"Marcus!" Reena groaned in pain.

"Reena," he rubbed her back.

"I think this is just a phantom one again," she moaned.

She had been having contractions for a few days now.

Marcus put his hand on her thigh and quickly looked up.

"I think it's time," he jumped up.

Reena closed her eyes in pain.

"I think you're right," she moaned.

Marcus grabbed up his wife and quickly stuffed her into their car. He instantly connected to the base.

"We're coming in! She's in pain!"

Marcus felt like he was gonna pass out. His poor wife was screaming in pain, and there was nothing he could do. He felt absolutely helpless.

His hand was also gonna snap off when Reena twisted it again.

"Marcus, help me," she groaned out.

He really couldn't do anything.

"Come on, push," the doctor ordered.

"I can't," she moaned.

She felt so much pain it was blinding. She just wanted this whole thing to be over.

"I. We're gonna need to do a C section right now," the doctor ordered.

Marcus looked up to see a large knife quickly slice his wife's belly open. He was used to violence. He sliced people apart on the daily, but this was making him nauseous.

The doctor pulled the intestines out and put them in a tub. She sliced open her uterus and gently pulled the baby blob out.

Marcus watched as a nurse took his baby away.

"It'll be okay, querida. I'm right here," he tried to comfort her but he knew he was paler than she was.

"Shut up, Marc," she moaned into her husband's broken hand.

Marcus rubbed her head.

"Why isn't this epidural doing anything?" she snapped, "I get a giant needle in my back for this!"

Reena was hazy with pain, but she saw the doctors stitch her stomach back up. She wasn't gonna be having anything else soon. She really wasn't certain she wanted Marcus to touch her now.

She didn't even know how much time had passed, but eventually the doctor brought in a small bundle to them.

"Here's your baby girl," she gave the baby to Reena.

Reena gently reached over and held her newborn to her chest. She was so tiny and squirmy. She was gonna be a handful she already knew it.

Marcus was sold to her the moment he laid eyes on her. She could have asked for anything, and he would never refuse. She'd be the most spoiled baby on the history of the planet. She was all his. He would do whatever it took to protect her and make her happy.

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