24. Lost a Hero: Part 5

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Marcus clicked his chest padding back into place. He was not willing to admit it, but it was definitely way tighter than it used to be. He rolled his shoulders uncomfortably.

"Here, Marcus. If you need help, just ask," Vox said and moved towards him.

"I don't," he started to protest but felt one of the clasps fall away.

"We're really glad you are fighting with us again. Even if the others don't say it," Vox continued.

Marcus felt another clasp fall away.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you, but I promised Missy, and now I'm breaking that promise," he turned around and admitted.

"Sometimes there are promises you can't keep," Vox whispered.

They were silent for a moment. Both of them were thinking of the one member missing.

"Hey! You still up for this Moreno?" Crimson Legend asked the man.

He also noticed how uncomfortable his former leader looked. Well, he was still the leader technically, but did it really count if he wasn't fighting with them anymore?  It wasn't like Crushing Low's paternity leave. Marcus had retired on them.

"Yeah. I'm fine, man."

"You are definitely filling out your padding," Invisi Girl noticed.

"Thanks guys," Marcus deadpanned.

Keep making fun of my weight. I know I've been in the office this whole time.

"Hello everyone!" Miracle Guy walked in.

"I'm glad you're back up to speed," Blinding Fast commented.

"I'm glad we have a threat big enough to get the team back together," Miracle Guy said happily, ignoring the tense energy.

The last time they had all been in a room together was a mission with Reena Moreno over two years ago.

"Maybe we should focus on the threat," Tech-No said.

He knew to change subjects quickly. It was two years later, and they were still walking on egg shells about Reena.

"The nerd is right. We gotta go," Red ordered.

"Then we need to...," Marcus trailed off as his team members all walked out the door.

The only ones not walking away were Blinding Fast because he'd already run off, Sharkboy because he was coming to the fight by ocean way, Lavagirl because she was coming up from the a volcano, and Tech-No who was waiting on him.

"Sorry, Marcus, but we've been on our own for a while," Tech-No said before walking out too.

Marcus was left with the feeling that he really messed things up for them all. By staying home he made Missy happy, but there was no denying that he was failing his Heroics family.

"So I'm Ms. Granada, director of the Heroics program," Granada introduced, "You'll be staying in our underground stronghold where the children of superheroes are kept safe while their parents fight enemy forces."

Missy followed the woman down the hallways.

"We can't afford to have any one of you fall into enemy hands. This way," Granada pointed.

"Do I really have to go in? Because I won't fit in. I just don't belong. I mean, I'm different from all of them," Missy insisted, "Besides, my dad doesn't even fight anymore. After my mom died, went missing, he promised that-."

"Well, you know what they say about promises?" Granada sassed.

"You should always keep them or you can never be trusted?" she retorted.

Granada got a sardonic look on her face.

"Are you going to be a problem, Missy?"

Missy shook her head sarcastically.

"Shall we?"

Granada pointed to the vaulted door, and a guard opened it up.

Missy walked in to see the kids sitting in rows with laptops in front of them. They appeared to be typing something.

It also looked like a prison cell with concrete walls.

"Everyone, this is Missy. She will be joining you today," Granada introduced to the group, "Missy, I'd appreciate it if you would take a seat right there and quietly continued your studies with the other children."

Missy awkwardly sat at a seat on the front row.

"Children, thank you for respecting my rules. Your parents will be very proud when I tell them of your exceptional behavior. Well done," Granada finished and promptly left.

The vault door slammed shut behind her.

Reena had been woken up and strapped to a machine.

"The Supreme Leader specifically stated that you could be present to watch the Takeover in action," a voice called over the intercom.

Reena tried to reach for her utility belt, but it was on a hook across the room.

"Also the alien robot detonator has been removed for our convince," the voice continued.

"You made me a deal! Now let me go!" Reena cried out desperately.

"This is a replay, but live feed should start soon," the voice finished.

A screen appeared in front of her, and she could see her friends for the first time in two years.

"Miracle," she whispered.

Miracle Guy flew up to a damaged satellite before seeing the scout ships up ahead. To her chagrin, he tried to take a selfie before he was knocked out of the sky by one of her bots.


Of course he was underneath the lug. Her old friend Tech-No caught the fool before they both fell to the ground. His jet back was still failing at the wrong moments.

Reena felt tears fall down her face. She wanted her family back. She wanted them so much.

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