Christmas Songs - Hendery

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Hi guys! You must be wondering, where is 23 Days of NCT Day 11? Well... I have it. But I didn't think it was very appropriate to release it right now because of well... Day 11 (Christmas Songs) was actually Hendery's day. So primarily because of the current situation with Hendery I have opted to just keep it unreleased right now mostly out of respect to those affected by the situation and out of basic common decency to, as one would say, "read the room."

There is a second reason that's a bit more selfish, long time followers of my blog will now that I've had to deal with rude anons since I dropped my first series Too Soon, Too Late nearly seven months ago now and it got worse when I started writing Zemblanity and it has since been nearly out of control to the point where I had to turn off anon on multiple occasions. They ranged from things like "oh you're not a real fan if you write them like this" to "you're r4c1st for still stanning this group" to things as horrible as telling me to k1ll mys3lf just for writing NCT. As a result, this became my second reason not to upload this installment.

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