Christmas Movies - Jaemin

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"What's on the watchlist today?" Jaemin sits next to you, handing you the bowl of cookies. You habitually drape your legs over his lap and lean back on the arm of the couch.

"Not sure, I've been scrolling through for a bit," you continued going through the movies on Netflix. "Any ideas?"

"Oh, Johnny was telling me about this movie called the Polar Express?" You turned your head to him with a skeptical look.

"You've never seen the Polar Express?"

"No? Is it good?" He looks confused.

"I guess it was more popular in western countries than here in Korea... well, I mean it's kind of weird, but I haven't seen it in a while so why not?" You shrugged, pulling the movie up on Netflix.

"Wait, give me a really bad run down of it."

"Kids get kidnapped by a train that takes them to the North Pole to teach them the magic of Christmas but in the end they go back home anyway."

"I like it, put it on," Jaemin laughs. You pressed play on the movie and you both got settled. You leaned further behind you and grabbed one of the hot chocolate mugs, handing it to Jaemin while you ate your cookies.

You were a good majority into the movie by now, and naturally you caught onto more details of the movie that you missed when you were younger. Every time you'd glance over at Jaemin to see if he was still watching you could tell that he was weirdly into the movie? Like he was watching it with pique interest. It was kind of cute actually. You grabbed a cookie and slowly moved it towards his mouth and he bit into it without a word, still watching the movie. Was he that into it?



"Okay," he really was into it. You figured it was because Johnny was the one who recommended it to him, but still.

You had to admit that seeing him in this lighting was charming, you felt like you haven't seen him in ages, actually. When was the last time you were this close to each other, you wondered. You hoped that he was taking breaks, honestly, you of all people would know how hard he worked. You had to give it to him, you'd never be able to handle the life of an idol, all the fans and the lack of privacy, even now you were afraid that someone had a camera pointed at your apartment.

Wait, why were you even thinking about that? You should be paying attention to the movie. You shook yourself out of those invasive thoughts and refocused on the movie.

As the credits started to roll, Jaemin turned over to you.

"(Y/N)," he stopped short of his sentence when he noticed you fast asleep, your head hanging rather uncomfortably off the arm of the couch. Jaemin sighed softly and gently shifted you so that you were more comfortable on the couch. "Who am I supposed to talk to about the movie now?" He chuckles quietly. He reached under the couch and pulled out his secret thermos of coffee and downed it, making sure you were still asleep.

When was the last time he saw you? Had to have been before Ridin' promotions, he thinks. Then he realized, it really has been a while. He glanced over at you again, you were rather excited when he told you he was coming over, and now look at you, excited yourself to sleep it would seem. He didn't know how to break it to you that he'd be leaving early tomorrow for NCT promotions. So he did the next best thing.

"Wake up," he pinched your arm harshly and you jolted awake.

"Oh god, did I fall asleep?" You blinked a couple of times.

"Yeah," Jaemin laughed. "When'd I lose you?"

"Uh... the hobo?"

"That long?!"

"You didn't notice I fell asleep?!"

"I was too focused on the movie."

"I take it that you really enjoyed it then," a small chuckle escaped your mouth and you stopped the movie.

"Yeah, I can see why Johnny likes it so much, at least," Jaemin tugs your arm lightly.

"No... I'm so comfy here..."

"And? I haven't cuddled with you since April, get over here," he tugs on your arm again and you complied, masterfully turning around and laying down on his shoulder.

"This is nice," you sighed. "Have you seen a hallmark movie?"

"A what?"

"Oh that's definitely next," you snickered, putting on the first one that came up.

Jaemin pulled you closer to him, laying your head on his chest and him placing his chin on the top of your head, he almost forgot how nice it was to hold you like this. He had already tried to appeal to the company for at least Christmas Eve off, but they were rather strict on keeping the Dreamies under their thumb for the majority of the holidays, but if the trade off was your signature cuddles he'd have to try harder, he suspected.


He could just...

Sneak out of the dorms...

A wicked smirk rose on his face.

He already knew it, but this Christmas was going to be a little more special.

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