Playing in the Snow - Haechan

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"Clear out!" Your ecstatic shout could be heard when you jumped face first into the pile of snow, a cloud of, well, snow kicked up around you and landed around you. You rolled over and made a cute snow angel amidst the snowy landscape.

The kind of dates you could have with a rather popular idol are, as expected, limited. But not limited to snowy backyards, luckily. So when Hyuck was finally on break, you were amongst the first to greet him when he came home, surprisingly you and his mother were just talking about him, all good things, naturally, and what a surprise, there was the man of the hour. Now, while she was making lunch, you decided to catch up with him outside.

"How childish," Haechan teased once he walked up to you. He helped you up and put a scarf around your neck. "You're going to get sick if you just jump into snow like that, you know," he laughs.

"Thank you, love," you pulled the scarf up to your nose, but you shouldn't have let your guard down. Especially around Haechan, you've been dating for this long and you made such a rookie mistake. And you knew this when a devilish glare came to his eye and he shoved you into the nearest pile of snow. "I hate you," your giggles contradicted the meaning of the sentence. You held your hand out for him to help you, and once his own laughs died down, he grabbed onto your hand. This is where he made his own mistake, after all, this relationship was built on joy and playfulness, and such was made clear when you yanked him down with you, your boyfriend of a year planting his face on the pile of snow next to you.

The snowy backyard was filled with pure joy, chuckled and cackles alike filled the winter air. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to lie down on the snow for so long, but it was entirely worth it to just be with Hyuck. You both didn't talk about much, just enjoyed each other's presence. There was a small conversation here and there about what has been happening in the other's lives.

"Are we too old to make snowmen?" You asked him.

"Age is just a number, I'll get the beanie and scarf."

"I got the rest then."


Needless to say the snowman was rather sad, actually. Crudely made but filled with love, ironically a bit like your relationship, the snowman stood remarkably strong despite the winter winds.

"I think it's cute," you adjusted the scarf around its neck and smiled. "We did a good job!"

"Yes we did," Haechan nods. He pulls the beanie further down in place. "I'm sure everyone would be jealous of our snowman," he takes a quick picture to upload to his secret instagram account.

You watched Haechan finish up the snowman with the small lumps of coal to make its face, something you were surprised that his mother had, but thankful regardless. Haechan had a strange knack for artistry that you silently wished that Hyuck would just tap into, but he had his own ways of letting it show. Truth be told, as soon as he walked in, you could see how tired he was. You felt bad, almost like you were trespassing for whatever reason. You just hoped that you could alleviate some of that stress, this year wasn't the easiest on him and you would know that better than anyone.

Haechan, as he finished up the snowman, thought to himself. He found it remarkable actually, he was just thinking about you before he got home, he wanted to tell you everything he's been up to and finally have a chance to unload, but it was during this train of thought that he realized that he hasn't really been holding up his end of the bargain, has he? He resolved that as soon as he got home he'd work on fixing things up nicely, and what a surprise, you were sitting with his mom in the kitchen like some divine wish giver was listening. He already knew it, but this Christmas was going to be a little more special.

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