Christmas Ornaments - Doyoung

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"Let's see here..." Doyoung looked through the boxes of ornaments that were stored in your closet, trying to find the best ones that matched the theme of the tree for this year.

Doyoung had come over on one of his days off to help you decorate your tree for the holidays, he had already appealed to the company to let him take at least Christmas Eve off to spend it with you and luckily, for once, they obliged. He was mainly happy because it's your first Christmas together as a couple, and he wanted nothing more than to spend it with you. As a result, you are currently wrapping the red velvet ribbon around the tree while he looks for appropriate ornaments. But he must have been taking a while, because you walked up next to him and asked if he needed help.

"Having some trouble, love?" You asked him in a teasing manner.

"I just can't believe you have so many," Doyoung sets aside another box of ornaments.

"Yeah, my parents always send me some," you sat next to him on the floor and went through the boxes with him. "I never have the heart to tell them to stop or to sell them, so I just stack them in my closet," you admitted bashfully. He pulls out a peculiar box and looks at it.

"What's this?" He asks, showing it to you. He looks in the closet and sees dozens more. "And why do you have so many?" He laughs.

"Oh, it's an ornament making kit, my younger cousins always want to make some when they come over, so I always buy them, but we end up having extras and I keep forgetting so I buy more," you took the box and shook it lightly, listening for broken pieces.

"We can make one if you want?" He offers, and when he saw the way your eyes lit up he could've sworn he heard an angels' choir. So, with a box of red ornaments in hand alongside the ornament making kit, you both walked back to the Christmas Tree and got to work. Finally settling to do the kit last.

Now, Doyoung will admit this, he's not the most creative when it comes to these kinds of things. You each painted one half of the ornament, yours was a snowy landscape with a cute snowman and his was a simple Christmas Tree, but when he handed you his half he was happy to see the way your eyes lit up. You snapped the two plastic pieces together, properly painted on and ready to go and you walked up to the tree, placing it in a conveniently bare area that Doyoung may have left specifically for that ornament. You place it in a way that both sides were shown and stepped back, admiring the both of your work on the tree.

"I like it," you smiled. Luckily the kits came in different colors each, so you both worked on the red one and it fit perfectly on the tree. You were actually rather looking forward to this, you were a bit ashamed to say it out loud, but you had originally bought the kits with Doyoung in mind, then you got a bit excited and bought... a dozen of them. You were secretly hoping that this could be a new tradition you could start, but as soon as you got home and realized 'Oh wow I just bought a dozen plastic ornament making kits' you got a bit embarrassed by how childish it seemed and hid them in your closet. So when Doyoung happened to find them ~how~ and asked if you wanted to make one you had to make sure you weren't dreaming and you had to reel yourself in so you didn't sound too excited.

"Me too," Doyoung nodded and took a quick picture. He's upload it on his close friends story later. Maybe he was being a bit of a romantic, but when he saw the kits piled up on each other he secretly hoped that you and him would do this more often, it didn't seem like it but he found it charming that you had so many of them. He'd honestly love to bring it up to you that he wanted it to become an annual thing, but would it be overstepping his boundaries if he did? The relationship was still fairly new, you were both just nearing your 100th day, a whole event he'd have to plan for separately, fear not he already has the rest of 127 on board, and he didn't want to seem too enthusiastic. And maybe he was just reaching, but when he saw how happy you were when he asked maybe you were thinking the same way. He already knew it, but this Christmas was going to be a little more special.

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