Cold Mornings - Xiaojun

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If there was one flaw to the Christmas season, it was the overbearing cold in the mornings.

You hated them with a passion, so much so that you would bundle up in blankets every night, however many necessary to stay warm. It certainly didn't help that your small apartment's heater was all but functional, having busted entirely at the beginning of the month and due to holiday no one has been in to fix it yet. Thus, blankets. Loads of them. Weighted, heated, fluffy, you name it, you probably had it. All were gifted to you by your relatives, of course, save for the weighted one that was from your boyfriend himself. See, it was easy to bundle up in the comfort of your own home in your own comfy bed, naturally. But when Dejun finally got the weekend off and asked to spend it with you the obvious result is that you'd both be in the same bed together.

Despite the two years you both had under your belts, this was actually the first time you and Dejun were able to spend any time during December together, as since it's usually Awards season you'd have to wait until the new year to see him again.

Look, you love Dejun, you really do, but he's on the couch if he thinks he can take your mounds of blankets from you.

That is the resolution you came to when you woke up cold and bitter at five in the morning You turned to your side and saw Dejun comfortably wrapped in all five of your blankets. With shaking hands and chattering teeth, you grabbed onto one of the ends of the blanket and pulled it over you, rolling in bed until you were perfectly cocooned in them. You figured that Dejun could go a couple of hours without it.

But no, you were wrong.

Within a minute of you finishing your perfectly crafted cocoon, it was all pulled away from you, and back over to the intruder next to you.

"Dejun, quit it," you pulled the blanket to your side again.

"It's cold," he tiredly argues, tugging it back.

"I'm well aware," you continued, again trying to pull the weighted fabric to your side.

"Come here then," Dejun keeps a firm hold on the blanket while reaching to pull you closer.

"No! You're cold!"

"I wouldn't be if you didn't take the blanket," he sleepily props himself up on his elbow, opening the blanket enough for you to roll into if you so wanted.

"When did you get so strong anyway... the Junnie I saw last couldn't even open my jam jar..." you mumbled, slowly moving into the blanket. Once you were fully inside, Dejun dropped the blanket and pulled you close to him. "You're cold..."

"Now I can open all the jam jars you want... Just wait a couple of minutes..." he yawned. "Aren't I better than this blanket?"

"Sure... sure..." you pulled the blanket up higher, still shivering slightly from the remnant cold. Dejun sighed into the crown of your head while you both slowly started to lull back into sleep.

"What time is it?"

"Like... 5 am?"

"We'll have to get up soon then, right?" He asks.

"I mean... we don't have to... I kind of just want to stay like this," you admitted quietly. You had to be honest, you never really knew how much you missed just being with him until right now, before he dropped by you were just applauding yourself for being a cool strong and independent person after the first couple of months of minor separation anxiety but now that he's right here, you really wished that you could stay like this longer. He asked you earlier this month what you wanted for Christmas, and you had settled with telling him anything was fine, which you knew must have been no help at all, but truthfully you just wanted to spend at least a day with him, that's all.

Dejun, on the other hand, was actually thinking very similarly to you. He had originally sent you this weighted blanket because he had heard from Taeyong that using it makes you feel like you're being hugged, and it's been such a long time since you and Dejun saw each other in person he figured it would be the next best thing. But goodness, apparently you can be jealous of a blanket, based off of how he felt when he saw you wrapped up in it when you answered the door. Ridiculous, he knows. He even almost hid the blanket from you until he saw you shivering in the kitchen. He spent a lot of time thinking on what he should get you for Christmas, considering that you were never one for extravagance, he finally figured out the next best thing.

Although, he'd prefer to keep it a secret until Christmas, you'd be seeing a lot more of him anyway around that time. He already knew it, but this Christmas was going to be a little more special.

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