S'mores - Taeyong

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"So you just put two graham crackers together with marshmallows and chocolate in between?" Taeyong asks. You nodded your head.

"Yeah, basically. But you have to roast the marshmallow first a little to your liking so it becomes like the glue for your s'more to stay together," you placed a marshmallow on one of the metal skewers and handed it to him. "Keep rotating it so that it cooks evenly," you explained.

"Okay," Taeyong started rotating the skewer slowly while you made your own s'more.

You and Taeyong had rented out a private campsite that came with a small cabin earlier this week, and you've both been taking this long needed break together doing various things like ice skating, fishing, sleeping, and so on. Now, on your last night camping, you decided to eat s'mores together.

"Why are they called s'mores?"

"Because you always want s'more," you laughed. "Ah look, yours might be done already," you pointed at it and Taeyong pulled his marshmallow out of the fire, it had a hint of toasted brown around it, but otherwise perfect. He constructed his s'more carefully as you finished up your own s'more.

"Ready?" You asked him.

"Yup," he nodded. You both took a bite of your own s'more and you awaited Taeyong's reaction.

"It's good!" He exclaimed.

"I told you!" You wiped the graham cracker crumbs off of the side of his mouth and ate the rest of your s'more. "Here, make s'more..." you laughed again and gave him the bag of marshmallows.

You hoped that Taeyong was enjoying himself, you thought to yourself. You really liked how relaxed he was right now, or at least you hoped he was relaxed. You felt like it's been forever since you've last seen him, him having gone straight into Kick It as soon as SuperM's world tour ended and the rest has been back to back promotions and filming, you hoped that he was at least able to relax a little in this small vacation of yours. You've both been dating a considerable amount of time and you know as well as he does how rowdy the other NCT boys get and, especially now that the other twenty-two are promoting alongside him, you could only imagine the stress he's under.

"Careful, (Y/N), your marshmallow's going to burn," he points out. You blinked a few times before flipping the skewer over to the other side of the marshmallow, the previous side toasted but still edible.

"Thanks, love," your voice was quiet, just barely projecting over the crackling sounds of the fire in front of you.

"Can you put other foods in this?" He asks.

"I mean, I don't see why not," you answered. He handed you the half made s'more and disappeared into the cabin. By the time you pulled your own marshmallow out of the fire, he had returned with a plate of sliced fruits. "Ooh, strawberry s'mores sound great!" Your eyes shone with excitement while Taeyong sat back down next to you, placing the platter between the both of you.

Taeyong watched you with a piqued curiosity. While you both added fruits to the s'mores and ate it silently. He was rather surprised when you visited him in the dorms and asked him if he wanted to go camping with you, the first thought in his mind being 'What about NCT?' but a sudden call from his manager implied a hidden intention behind your request. It wasn't until later, maybe around this morning, when he found out that it was because the company decided to give all the members a break before officials year end promotions started, he found out from Doyoung, who had called him to check up on him.

"Did you know about the break?" He asks you suddenly.

"Mmhmm, your manager called me and told me to ask you to do something with me," you chuckled. "He and the other managers appealed to SM that you were all a tad too overworked, and it worked, and now we're here," you hummed.

"Ah, I see..." Taeyong sighed.

"I would've told you, but your manager told me to keep it as a surprise," you said.

"Ah, okay, it's fine! I enjoyed my break," Taeyong leaned back on the chair, looking at the night sky. Christmas was almost here wasn't it? He looked over to you. He already knew it, but this Christmas was going to be a little more special.

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