Christmas Decorating (Indoors) - Chenle

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"Careful! Careful!" You sprinted forward and caught the music box before it crashed on the floors.

Although it's not your first Christmas since getting together with Chenle, it was the first time that you were spending it with him and his mother, that is, and today happened to be decorations day. Chenle's mother had stepped out to do some last minute holiday shopping and left you and Chenle to do the bulk of the work, but it's safe to say it has been anything but productive. You both initially started your time alone with an impromptu holiday karaoke session, which lasted for a good hour, then you moved on to doing random tiktok challenges in the living room, another hour gone. It wasn't until Chenle got a text from his mother saying that she was on her way when the both of you started hustling. This, however, doesn't come without a price. It's a miracle that nothing has broken yet, to be honest. Regardless, you were both able to decorate, albeit messily, the majority of the house within an hour.

"Sorry, (Y/N), how far is she?" Chenle takes the music box from your hands and places it on the table, winding it up and letting it play for the heck of it. The quaint tune of 'Jingle Bells' filled the room, and of course you couldn't stay upset.

"Half an hour away, I think, or at least it's been an hour since she last texted us."

"Oh no, she's gonna kill us."

"No she won't, it's Christmas." You sat down on the carpeted floors and fell back slowly, staring at the ceiling above you. You held your hand up to Chenle and he, expecting that you wanted him to help you up, took it. With a quick tug, you pulled him down next to you. "What are we doing?"

"Taking a break," you responded quietly. "Maybe our luck will come back, and we can finish this, haha... how many rooms do we have left?"

"Kitchen, and that's it," Chenle makes himself comfortable on the floor. You both laid there in silence for a bit, slightly embarrassed by how much time you let pass by instead of doing what you were told. "Did you buy my present yet?"

"What?" You laughed.

"Because I bought yours."

"Did you really?"


"That's good..." You mumbled. "Yeah, I bought your present already, it hasn't come in yet though."

"Oh... okay," Chenle hummed. He turned over to you. "Do you want your present now?"

"What? No, it's only December second!"

"Or should I just tell you?"

"No! Stop it! Save it for Christmas!"

"But you're going to like it so much!"

"I don't care, I don't wanna know!"

"I'll give you a hint—"

"La la la la la! I'm not listening!" You covered your ears. You could clearly see Chenle raving about what it was that he bought you, and although you did well to just not listen despite the way he was playfully shaking your shoulders and pushing you on the floor in an attempt to get you to listen, you did catch a few spoilers as to what your gift was, but not enough for it to be conclusive. "If you spoil it for me, I'm giving your gift to Kun."

"Not Kun! I'll stop, I'll stop!" He shuts his mouth. "What would you do with his present though?"

"He'd just get a double gift," you shrugged, picturing the personalized piano book in your head. It would've been very awkward if you gave it to Kun, actually. It wasn't much, but you compiled all the songs that meant a lot to you and Chenle into one piano book, it included the song you were listening to when you first ran into him, the one that was playing during your first date, the one he sang to you on your first anniversary, and etc. You hoped that it would be the sentiment that shone the most, it's a lot harder to shop for an idol that you'd think.

Meanwhile, right next to you, Chenle played around with the simple promise ring in his pocket, he did genuinely want to give it to you right now, especially now that NCT continues to rise in popularity, he felt bad that he couldn't spend much time with you anymore, it wasn't much, but he wanted you to know that he really did care for you so much. He already knew it, but this Christmas was going to be a little more special.

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