Scarves - Winwin

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"(Y/N)! It's cold outside, you should bring a scarf!" Sicheng calls out from your front door. He had called you earlier today asking if you were free to go on a walk with him that evening and you, being the Sicheng-deprived person you were, naturally said yes faster than you could even think about it. Then your clumsy self forgot what time he was coming so when he rung your doorbell and you were still in pajamas and bunny slippers you clambered to get ready. "(Y/N)?"

"I'll be fine!" You answered him, looking at yourself in the mirror before walking out to him. "How do I look?" You asked him.

"Like you're going to be cold."

"Don't be like that," you poked his side playfully and walked with him down the street.

Oh how you wish he tried harder to tell you to dress warmly.

Because now you're regretting it and you don't want to give your longtime boyfriend the satisfaction of knowing that he was right, in a playful way, of course. You both sat on a bench together, looking up at the clear and starry night skies above the river. It really was a sight to behold, mind you, if you weren't freezing cold. You fought back your chattering teeth by holding onto the small cake box in your hands, a small gift that Sicheng had bought you, and you had to make sure that you didn't crush the adorable box.

"You're cold, aren't you?" Sicheng looks over at you.

"... yeah..." you answered quietly. Sicheng laughs sweetly and pulls you closer to him and takes his scarf off. "Hey! You need to stay warm, idols need to be healthy, you know," you spoke up.

"Don't worry about it," he wraps the surprisingly long scarf around both of you, you could tell that he was trying to be romantic about it, you vaguely remember seeing this in a drama somewhere, but you could tell that he was... rather uncomfortable.



"Are you okay?" You looked over at him and he was craning his neck towards you.

"No, not really, but it was worth a shot," again that melodic laugh came and you joined in this time.

"Here, love, I'll just buy one when we pass by the next shop, I need a new one anyway," you removed yourself from the scarf and wrapped it around him again.

Sometimes you forgot about these small moments that made you love him so much, he was never the kind to do great big gestures of love so when he tried it was always heartwarming to you. You and Sicheng differed in this way, actually. You'd do so much to show your appreciation for him, even flying to watch his showcase in Dream Plan way back when and so much more, but you knew that Sicheng didn't need all of that to know that you'd stick with him through it all and, truthfully, that rubbed off on you too. You learned to find the bigger intentioned behind these small moments that Sicheng was so good at making with you, and, maybe it was just you, but you found them to be more romantic than if he took you to a candle-lit dinner.

Sicheng, meanwhile, was always prone to overthinking, something that he's done for years now and no doubt will continue to do. He was always thinking that maybe he should be doing more with you, making more unforgettable memories with you, but everything that you've both done together was, well, unforgettable. He still vividly remembers the day you first met, your first date, your twelfth date, and so on, down to the last word almost. He was always the perceptive kind, always paying attention, and even with that it took a lot to convince himself that he was doing just fine. He had nailed your Christmas gift every year because of this and this year, he hopes, will be his third year running. He can only imagine the huge smile on your face when he tells you that he finally got Christmas off. He already knew it, but this Christmas was going to be a little more special.

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