Mistletoe - Mark

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"Yo, really?" Mark's voice was loud in the dorms, you could even hear it from where you stood outside of them. "For real?"

"Yeah, for real," Johnny's voice was next. You felt kind of bad for eavesdropping but they knew you were here and they were rather loud so what could you do? "Just hang it on top of a doorway and bam."

'Oh, they're talking about mistletoe,' you thought to yourself.

"Thanks, man, you're the best," Mark, again. But if he wanted a kiss, he could've just asked you. It wasn't like the two of you just started dating, in fact, you were both pushing a year now almost. But, what the hell, you'd might as well entertain him.

And where's the fun if you just walked under the mistletoe right off the bat? Hmm?

Your house was structured so that there were multiple entryways into most rooms, and most of those entryways were just open spaces and therefore no doors and, knowing Mark, he's going to do exactly what Johnny told him to do and ah ha! There it was, no the doorway to your kitchen and now, the game's afoot.

"(Y/N), let's grab a drink in the kitchen," Mark asks, he walks next to you and laughed to yourself, did he really think that you'd be so easy? Right as he walked through the doorway you paused.

"Ah, I left my phone in the bathroom, be right back," you said, just barely catching the short look of surprise on Mark's face. Again, snickering to yourself, you grabbed your phone and walked to the kitchen, leaning on the counter that separated kitchen from living room. "Grab me a water, please?"

"You should... come in and get it," Mark sounded suspicious, but you knew he was trying.

"Why would I do that if you're already in there?"

"Just... just cuz, you know?" He laughs awkwardly.

He was trying so hard, you had to fight back another laugh. Don't misunderstand yourself, you found his attempts endearing, so why not, might as well give the poor boy what he wants, right? He deserved it after being nonstop busy all year and getting virtually no breaks. You should be more considerate but, then again, he could just tell you what he wants. Wait, no, now's not the time to get on the naughty list, Christmas was in two days after all and if you were too mischievous Mark might hide your gift, so you figured that you should relent but... what's one more jab?

"You're right, okay, I'll be there," you said.


"Yeah," you clambered over the counter and landed in the kitchen, looking at Mark's dumbfounded expression. He really wanted that mistletoe kiss, didn't he? You walked past him and poured yourself water and drank it quickly.

"Oh look, an ornament fell!" He pointed to your tree, but everything was in place. At this point, you felt bad, you should probably just give him what he wants and stand under the mistletoe already, but the look on his face was just so cute you wanted to mess with him a bit longer but no, you must exercise self restraint, your boyfriend probably needed a break now. "We should go fix that."


"But— Wait, did you say okay?"

"I did."

"Okay!" Mark's eyes lit up and he automatically ran to the door. Maybe he was being a bit too obvious and, yes, maybe he should've just asked because he knew you would've most likely said yes, but this was more fun. Plus, he knew that you were messing with him and he was always up for a challenge. Finally, you stood next to him under the door frame, a cute smirk on your face, and you pointed up to the mistletoe. "Oh my god, would you look at that! I wonder who put that there," he said in an exaggerated tone.

"You could've just asked, Mark."

"Yeah but this is more festive," he smiles. You still didn't budge. "Oh, come on, please? At least just, like, a quick kiss?"

"Okay, I'll give you that," you smiles and stood up slightly, briefly connecting your lips with his before pulling away.

"Wait, is that it?"


"That's all I get?"

"Yeah, for now," your smile grew and Mark's jaw dropped.

"But that was like... so fast..."

"One kiss per mistletoe, babe, and you did say at least a quick one."

"But I didn't think you were only going to do that," you felt bad, almost, he sounded like a sad puppy.

"We'll bend the rules just this once then," you winked.

"Yes," Mark punched the air lightly and you chuckled again. He was a dork, but he was also your dork so he gets a pass. Mark leaned in slightly and you couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up again. "Wait what? Why?"

"Mark, you're so cute," you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him a bit longer this time. "You're so sweet though. But really, just ask next time. Save yourself the stress of me purposely avoiding this doorway."

"For sure, that would be easier..." Mark nods. "So... can I have another one?"

"Not in my kitchen."

"Okay, right," Mark nodded again and you left first, walking to the couch and turning on the TV. "You didn't say no," the sudden realization popped in his head. He already knew it, but this Christmas was going to be a little more special.

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