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Hoseok's pov

Pregnancy is the best phase of a woman's life. A pregnant women is the most beautiful entity of nature. It is the most beautiful phenomenon. Carrying a little human inside your body is not less than a miracle. Hearing the news that my Moon is pregnant I was like on cloud nine. My parents, jiwoo , Moon's family, my hyungs and maknae's were so happy to have baby hobi in their hands. It seems so wonderful that the one who is not yet born on this Earth has got everyone's attention and is the reasons of so many people are happy. A man would do anything for the woman who give birth to their child and now I have to stand strong with Moon in this phase of her life, to share her pain as much as possible.

The doctor has already informed us that though it is something very beautiful and having a baby is the best news in the world. But with this come the responsibility. We all would have to deal with Moon very patiently. She will be irritated at times, will have a lot of mood swings..and you still have to listen to her and help her through this. She has to be healthy enough...seeing to her diet, her rest period. The strong girl can turn into an emotional wreck. And we all have to handle this with a lot of patience, love, care and affection. After having all the instructions and orders by the doctor I went inside the room..where Moon was busy smiling rubbing her tummy.

"Moon...thankyou for such a big news...moon I am so happy..I can't tell you how happy I am feeling right now. At this moment.And the reason for this big news is you. You are the reason for my survival and now I have got one more to reason." I completed my sentence and kept my hands on her stomach.

" might be somewhere inside so small like a gram seed..our baby is coming hoseok. It's here inside. I am so happy....I am feeling very different...i can't explain this beautiful feeling in words hoseok...I am so happy our baby" she was smiling and having tears of joy.

"Don't worry moon..I am here with you. I will never leave you and my baby alone. I will always be there around taking care of you both." I smiled at her. But she instead of praising me for being a dutiful father was laughing at me.

"Why are you laughing have I cracked up any joke?" I questioned her seeing that she is still smiling.

"Now I and baby both will annoy Daddy. Day and night we will annoy him...and Hoseok I will tease and annoy you more now. And you have to love me..hehe" she was smiling...rubbing her tummy. She has been so happy and cheerful always but the glow and happiness on her face today was making her glow more. And even I didn't have words to describe how happy..I am today.

A/N- Below are the experiences Hoseok had , while Maulika was pregnant. Tbh the writer of this book wants hobi to get married and have kids asap...I want to see him as a husband and father...apart from an idol. Still you ppl enjoy the story of nine months ahead lol🤣🌺

One month later

It has been one month since Moon has been pregnant. We are taking all necessary steps inorder that everything is perfect. Mom and jiwoo had done a lot of baby shopping and brought a lot of maternity gowns and comfy stuffs for Moon also. They have planned her diet and even if she is not willing to eat they still spoon-feed her and "it's for your baby's sake" helps to get moon eat all those things which she refused even though it's necessary. I have reduced my working hours in the studio. We are making a nursery in our house. We always have a set date for appointment and I always take time to attend the doctor with Moon.

Today after we came back from the appointment from the doctor. I went in the kitchen to heat up the food. Later I served it and after Moon had her dinner. I asked her to go in the room as I will comeback after cleaning the kitchen.

After I cleaned the kitchen. I made a mug of strong coffee for myself and took out some salty chips for having them with the coffee. I avoid drinking coffee and such stuff with her as these days ...she has a lot of taste changes. On one moment she wants this and then that...but on the other hand it's not good as it leads to vomiting.
After finished drinking and eating I went inside the room to find that the lights were off. So I thought she might have slept so I came back on my side and slept.

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