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Maulika's pov

It's morning and really a very busy one. The members have arrived. They all are talking to Hoseok before he leaves, his flight is at 5:00 in evening. Till then he can spend time with us and the members. Arranging the plate with the cake pieces of the cake I baked I went into the living room , where they all were laughing and talking.

"Noona let me help you" Tae came to help. And he helped me in serving the tea, snacks and cake to the member. After that we all sat there..they gossiped a lot. I also enjoyed talking to them. After eating and drinking was over I went to arrange the plates in kitchen.
While when I came back I found all seven of them playing video games together. The lights of the living room was all off and they all were busy giggling,laughing and playing. I smiled and decided to rest for a while and went towards our bedroom.

While in the bedroom I was feeling so bad,I felt like crying. I was not okay with the way Hoseok was leaving me today. I know he had some important business but I don't want to seperate from him. But still it's for our future. Why the hell I am acting weird. It's just a two day trips. And if I will cry it will make him feel bad. Maybe this is for the first time I will be alone without him after our marriage.He will also be sad and will not focus on work. And ma says that when a person is going on a journey you should see him off happily and not crying.

When did I sleep while crying I didn't realise. And when I opened my eyes I searched for the clock ohhh God it's 3:30...and as I turned left.

" did you come were playing with the members..where are they" I asked while he was staring at me. But not at all speaking.

"Why aren't you speaking Hoseok??" I asked again.

"Why the hell were you crying..??" He stared at me again.

"I...when did I cry..." I tried to face back to check whether I was crying. But my face was not at all wet.

"Don't face here and there..just don't try to act..your pillow is wet. Why were you crying...from the day of our first meet to the day of our marriage in India ...I always asked you not to cry..why do you cry moon...I feel bad" he made a bad face.

I just hugged him, I didn't want to let him go but how will I say this to him. To my surprise he also hugged me very tight.

"I will miss you when you will not be at home" I said.

"I will miss you too moon..but we are connected by heart. We are never far from eachother. And don't cry I will return within two days." He replied and hugged me back.

After a lot of hugs and all we decided to leave for the airport as it's time . The flight will take place at 5:00 we reached the airport till 4:30 the members were also there already waiting to see him off. The flight will take place through the private plane of bighit. And as it was planned Hoseok hugged me and the members for the last time before leaving and then took off the flight.
We all also left as soon as he left. As I reached back home Micky came running. I hugged her and loved her. As I came inside I found Dawon in kitchen.

"You are back moon..hope you see off bro happily..." Before she could complete I hugged her.

"Oh moon...why are you feeling sad. You should understand that this will take place eventually after small occasions." She comforted me. And then we both came out in the living room with the snacks and coffee. I was also thinking why the hell I am acting so weird. This is normal. But something was not good..that was making me panic.

"Moon you know bro is working from a very young age, he has struggled a lot to achieve what he has today. Success never comes without hardwork and he gives his best without any complaints always laughing and smiling. They all work hard and that's the reason see their fans love them so much. He lives away from us when he was in young age. And like this he will have to work away from the family. They often have tours, sometimes he is busy in studio. It's the way his work is done. And it's just a two day trip. So just chill out." She smiled. And picking two three biscuits from the tray went to her room for completion of her work. I also went in kitchen to clean.

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